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Posts posted by musclemania

  1. New Year haul. Finally, I able to get my black Tumbler, thanks to Sinclair.
    And, surprise to get this as well:
     image040.jpg image036.jpg
    My daughter loves the track very much...and consequently, lots of "car accident" after that, LOL!!!

  2. ucb, take k n practise hygienic approach ya.

    i jst came bck fr SG recently by driving. both malaysian and singaporean custom not bother to check my car bonnet. worse, the guy jst asked "ada bawa apa-apa?". i answered "no", then he jst let me go. another one was "u open the bonnet yourself, i cannot touch". aft i opened, the officer fella stood very far and said "ok la", wondering if she has the x-ray vision (like Superman) or afraid that i carried any bomb, kakaka.
    my fren when brought bck over 30++cars fr SG for me at airport also not checked, handcarry somemore.

  3. jst to share with u guys. during my earliest time in hunting (Oct'09 i guessed) the so-called informer/or maybe an insider instead (twice i encountered this at a Giant and a 7E) did ask me for phone number when seeing me belek-belek the items there. i jst gave la cos they said wil contact me if new stock arrived. but, so far, no phone call/sms to me la, LOL!!! mayb i didn't give them any "special payment" in advance la, hahaha.
    but, they didn't ask also. even if they asked, they wun get a penny fr me la, hahaha.
    still, i believe in hardwork and luck as well as member co-operation for pointer yo.

  4. wawawa...dahsyat u guys...i only know about G-Shock, G-force, etc. but now G-machines somemore, i gotta surf net again about this and oth series, hahaha.
    we also have Speed Machines...nxt time maybe we will get to hear about "Classical Machines" (another version of HWC and Since '68), and so on...great job, Mattel, LOL!!!
    congrat yo!!!

  5. i think we need to attend the dinner (aft paying RM80 and entitled to get the dinner car) only to get the dinner car. dinner car is limited edition and "first come first serve" basis (thru payment i think). still waiting on the further instruction on this esp for borderline case (for example, if limited to 100 dinner cars, there should b a clear regulation for the 100th member, the final who registered to get the car rather than 101st member or after that).
    as for club car (free), it can b posted to the entitled member if the member is not able to attend the dinner to collect it.
    kukubeh wrote:

    2. 2010 club car AND 2010 dinner car.
    - you have to purchase the dinner ticket which cost RM80 to entitle this 2 cars.
    - the RM80 you paid is already inclusive of the dinner fee.
    - if you just want to buy the 2010 club and dinner car but you do not wish to attend the dinner, you still have to pay RM80, and ask somebody that's attending the dinner to collect it on your behalf.
    - it will be given during the dinner.

  6. Yao, nothing new in the souvenir shop oth than TH reg Camaro but if u have time, "round that area" bcos u may find lots of oth great stuffs too i think
    ps: i only went to penang for family vacation, so, not much on HW hunting.

  7. Figure that our yourself la bro there are not many hotel with that abbreviation near the beaches...ooppss...i gave u another hint d u shud know better than i do la, Penangites bro. simple click when surfing thru the net, u got the answer d lo, bro.
    reminder: musclemania is not always that "helpful"

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