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Posts posted by musclemania

  1. Hi, guys,
    Just for information sharing to keep track of your collection.
    I prefer to use Excel as attached:
    1. You can segregate your collection via year, as per title in every sheet (refer to the bottom, eg. 2009, 2010).
    Else, you can segregate via series (First Edition, TH, etc.), it is up to your own preference.
    2. You can also include a column on top of the row for carded / loose unit and even quantity. Or, even to include venue that you purchased the unit, the medium you get the unit (via trade, promotion sale, bidding ,etc.), date of purchase, etc.

    All and all, customize your own list for your convenience. You may use Words or equivalent software, the choice is yours.


  2. really wanna "scold" both of u, kurz & ckh, I don't collect Civic but now the "Civic viruses" seems going into my blood stream, arrkgghhh...trying to tahan the poison now...
    Nice cars for both of u!!!
    kurz, "merdeka"kan la keempat-empat Civic tu, kesian tengok mereka dalam garage tu, bawak la mereka pergi siar-siar, kikikiki...return poison bck to u, "slaughtering virus", kikiki...

  3. cham, thanks.
    jst lookin for previous double decker (esp red)..."scary" price i guess, sigh...
    FYI, i able to hunt down the green (09) and gold (08). i think i shall "blame" RG to poison me with "bus virus", hahaha. joking d, RG bro, appreciate ur poison cos double decker really great!!!

  4. no prob, bro, i hunted them down d, hihihi. if u managed to get them, grab them, they r really nice. i'm waiting for the "right time" to slaughter them. in fact, already slaughter the green double decker after getting my xtra carded, yeah!!!

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