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Everything posted by Mangoberri

  2. Well...the closing ceremonies are tonight...going to miss the olympics.
  3. A cruise around the world LMAO. I guess that solves where you want to go.
  4. Psfc had This promotion on free gmb If you joined... Advertised on tube tof. So I joined
  5. A quiet forum like PSFC with everything in order, or a forum with one person mostly bombarding the forum? Just curious. I prefer quiet forums like PSFC.
  6. Got the pie and the lolly ready, the cake is ready 2 days from the time of this post
  7. Michelangello's David...maybe you should block that part....you know what I'm talking about..
  8. I have the lolly ready, I still need to cook 14 more soups till the Cake, so it'll probably be done at around Monday afternoon/night my time (GMT-8)
  9. There is no offline option in chrome...
  10. AND chrome is useful when you're in the chatroom, and you need to be the first one to answer to win the prize. The address bar is also google
  11. If you give me a couple of days, I will have one of each in stock for you I just need about 40 more soups to make the cake, so 12 hours for the lolly + 1 hour for the pie + 2 days for the cake+ 340 minutes to level up to the cake. If you can wait, then I will trade with you
  12. 0-0 Seriously, don't use IE...it's so slow! Use safari or google chrome. Chrome is the fastest for me though, and when it crashes (almost never), it pops up with a restore button, and you get all your tabs back.
  13. Hi Rubie! We're a slower moving forum, so we don't get as many posts as the playfish forum. So, you don't need to bump your thread so often, because it's still at the top of the forum, for at least the next hour. If you wait a while, I'm sure there's an offer that will interest you. Welcome to PSFC!
  14. The chatroom is still there...it's at the bottom of the forum main page. You click 'Join the Chat'.
  15. It's okay...I will still pay I've experienced much longer waits, so this isn't very long..
  16. It says old thread berri heheh I know, But if you posted the thread, it would be in your recent posts..so I thought that would be a shortcut.
  17. I loooked through all your recent posts and I didn't see any?!?!
  18. Bronze for Rochette! She's gone through so much this week and still managed to medal!
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