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Everything posted by smadli07

  1. waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.... mulut aku dh xble tutup... superb la haul hang....
  2. ciput miput... ni dh masuk tahap grand ni.... tahniah ya pak !!
  3. smadli07

    kown custom shop

    lawa.. memang lawa...
  4. huih !!! hg dh dpt ka??? ni pon pakcik aku dr US kasik..
  5. seriously... mmg gempak la bro....
  6. pergh... racun.... racun.. cantek2 nih...
  7. eh?? how come my blue 1 got diff wheels?? baru tperasan...
  8. uik.. keta apa tu bang?? lawo la.. continue wheel...
  9. Mattel conteng la. hehe... so creative one...
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