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Everything posted by rajaazlanshah363

  1. newbies first entering the famous slaughter house.. [img][/img]
  2. where is the place that restocked with the new SM??
  3. jangan tahu kritik sahaja bila anda sendiri xbetul..if u know how to do it properly, please show us the way instead of just yelling at the back seat..
  4. hahaha..alah bang..DB ni pon sy ad seketol je..abg nye da xterkira..tgu abg plak raok saya DB..xpon bs japan convention pon ok...
  5. im not sure what series is this..but as i was told by another otai, this DB supposedly was only half work then the factory was burnt..fortunately, they managed to save some of this DB but stolen by a fellow..then the fellow sold this DB in this condition...if any other otai got more information about this DB or my information was wrong, plz do correct me as i also interested to know the real story of this DB..
  6. ad lebih br custom bang..xmampu eden nak mengcustomkannye..hehehe
  7. i wasn't expecting this when i go n see him..alhamdulillah it was my lucky day! [img][/img]
  8. aku da speechless..bear..nanti kite racing pink slip kete ni okay...
  9. baru mau belajar main hot rod... [img][/img]
  10. hahaha..ini yg xsabar ni..reboot version..got machine guns or rocket launcher?? heheheh
  11. now got 2 only..cz i take for my friends also..hehehe..bila la nak rasa custom bs yg warna putih tu?? hehehee
  12. if u think that the item is too expensive for u, then dun buy and dun complaint..just ignore it and look for other alternatives
  13. hahaa..then it is wrong title lah bro..hehehe..i only take for myself n for trade only..still got few that i left there for others..
  14. den sibuk ngan kenduri sepupu den la jang..ni pon menyinggah yooo..hehehe
  15. hahaha..all reg only..if anyone want it, i sell it..but too bad xde super..
  16. alah bro..rezeki..ni aku xtapau sume..sebab aku amek utk aku je
  17. hahaha..aku da jual due da..ko xckp awal2..xpe2..aku tau sape ad..cume aku kene check retail price ke idak
  18. hahaha..mana ada bang..semua untuk sendiri..tp kalau ad kawan xdpt score, just jual je la.hehehe
  19. like ur statement..n as for u mr.netmatrix..i bukan hentam..just want to share only la..dats all..sorry if u feel like i'm bashing on u..as mr.wildspirit said, only want to joke keras2 aje..ehhehe
  20. Apa la deyy..hahaha..we cool man...bab anak imam tu..I think I xde sugar mummy kot..hahaha
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