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Everything posted by rajaazlanshah363

  1. thanx bro..the funnycar is for trade..others for myself...hehehhe
  2. this is what u get when a friend help others especially newbie like me..
  3. this is what i get after doing some trade with friends..thank you for helping me so much.. [img][/img]
  4. i didn't think to get my hand on this but Matbear suddenly raok this to me..i was so happy to have it..thank u incik bear.. [img][/img]
  5. i lost to mr.danielh..aiyoohh..die sudah letak turbo...ehhehe..j.k.j.k..congrats broo
  6. Challenge accepted. 2 races wit 1 point, i shud be hot and very geram now ... ghhrrrrrrrrr hehehe..dun be so geram2..give me chance la..next week if i jd pengadil, i let u win..hahahha..j.k.j.k
  7. datangnya naga dari langit, naga kepunyaan panglima dewata, kini poket aku makin sempit, dan2 sekarang banyak racun kelua.
  8. mr. wildspirit..saya yang nibus ingin menjemput incik utk race dis week...
  9. hhehe...tq mr.eight for looking..it ok la..i collect slowly..if dun have, relax je..if ad n can afford to take, then i buy..simple...
  10. jumaat nanti abg bwk je lah gambarnya..tgk ape abg ad..n sng utk budget hantaran...
  11. when can i get my hand for this $uper??? need to hunt more regularly n smarter..
  12. guys, i'm looking for deco delivery from any series..if u have one and wish to sell or trade it, do PM me. i will take it if the price or trade item is reasonable. tq
  13. super nice haul mr. Atom..yup, the strategies of using normal card for $uperized is working now..but hopefully no one who is "over-smart" n teach the insiders about this..
  14. Adik riang beravatar Hello Kitti Malangnya sekarang tiada lagi Demonicle ke yang bertahta dihati kau kini Dunia dah terbalik apa nak jadi dgn kau ni laluanku lurus bukan bengkang bengkok, yang dicari karipap bukan pedang, taste eden hanyolah pado perempuan jalan lenggang lenggok, bukannya jantan badan gedang...
  15. fuyooo...siap dgn opneable door..when can my bone shaker be like this..hehehehe
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