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Everything posted by rajaazlanshah363

  1. [img][/img] for u MR.NETMATRIX..if us still dun satisfy with the pic, why not we meet at amcorp and i will let u hold this? let u enjoy the AWESOMENESS and the JOYNESS of having one of santonie custom...how??
  2. mr.netmatrix..have u seen the custom he done before? if u dun, i will show the rusty bone shaker that he done for me..u know how detail his work is..do not use the wrong word as it may lead to misunderstanding to others..n would u like people to call u a penipu after u done some custom bro.. or maybe because u do not have the chance to atleast own one of it?? perhaps havent : in front of your ?
  3. i know..confirm c4 mid valley..btol x atom?
  4. i know u got one..ape kata TT putrajaya jumaat ni kasi bwk n preview dekat org yg xde..hehehhe
  5. i'm imun to dragbus, DD and other popular casting..but this one, i thing i cannot tahan already..must get atleast one..have to save bullet from now..
  6. this is just marvelous..n cannot stop my desire to get one..
  7. thanx guys..didn't expect of anything..but alhamdulillah..
  8. I never thought of getting any raok especially this OCC..thank you om Diky.. [img][/img] picture taken from internet since i do not have any camera with me right now
  9. wow..this is nice...next add up- GULL WING DOOR!
  10. bila nak buat complete set TH bakar plak?? hehehe
  11. fuhh..laju sungguh mung ni artt..jeles kawe..xpong2..nanti kawe pong dapak hok chevelle tu...(slang aku merapu sket)..hahaha
  12. i want all four of those..hahaha..very good job..
  13. aiyoo..bile nak lompat gune bone shaker pulak??
  14. blakang mcm prius sket ah..tp sebabkan die civic..aku ckp die cantik ahh
  15. im soryy..can i ask something? how does this point system working?
  16. very nice $uuuuuuuuuuuuuuper haul mr.py..
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