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Posts posted by RegistraCHAN

  1. netmatrix wrote:
    Hell no chance to get here. scalpers market. haihhh.....

    If happen to get the white BMW 2012,
    then our chances is still there

    p/s If happen to be like red datsun fte, then there no gonna be a light on it bounce

  2. sahama wrote:
    Chan, can collect all the discard card before/after every race during HWCM dinner night and the sembelih one.

    can can, but the idea become two...

    ehhhhh we must appoint someone(newbie) to be the centralise...
    We want to start with 2011 Carded or 2012.
    So 1 card for 1 Person rite.
    By Hand, By Post Arrow

  3. again encounter a new wave..
    i just make a criss cross checkin
    A box of 36 MBX was been add up with leftover b4..
    So I just circle the b4 one leftover..
    there u go a
    Around 30 unit MBX
    that make it 6 r Gone
    U hav to figure out which izzit...
    Fill in the blank

  4. matchboxclub wrote:

    wow.. u got very good memory.. i see some tat i wan bounce where u saw restocking btw?

    parkson 1U Laughing
    I manage to refresh my memory during First enconter the wave at Giant last time remember,
    and this new restock at 1 U ..I just Double check with it...

    P/s 3 hour later, half the gem is gone.. Twisted Evil
    Advice, Buy now Regrat Later silent
    some shot from the scene

    P/s the 5 pack MBX is also new, Got Lot of 4x4..wif tampo affraid

  5. Okay Let the Hunt Begin
    Let other take the superized, thunt
    The No Tampo One somehow is been writen to be in ya Hand

    Pic ll Explain everything
    1st One
    musclemania wrote:

    could Be U...

    P/s ll Update more, just put more poison in here,..spam more
    Komfrantei', Adios
    2011 reference'shttp://www.hwcmalaysia.net/t6556-2011-errorno-tampobest-hwrare

  6. jhc7598 wrote:
    GEM = permata
    GERM = kuman

    so i dunno what ur mean on first place, RazzRazz

    btw i had found the panoz already, now looking the GR1!!
    if you had bought the panoz, it's ok, i still take it..
    if you don't, please prioritize on taking the GR1 over the panoz.. Smile

    i Know I Know Shocked
    GERMAN= Org Kuman
    P/s No Worry Bro, The Panoz i can put it back.. cheers

    So GR1, i remember seeing it,
    just cannot figure out where?..
    later Pic Post will help me inform ya

  7. jhc7598 wrote:
    RegistraCHAN wrote:

    ya la, penang got lots of germ,i remember someone from there keep posting unbelievable catch there

    germ or gem bro? RazzRazz

    even i donno which one is the rite one

    Spare me the evo sm bro
    tmrow morning gonna make a circle of 7E
    and catch ya a panoz

    p/s which witch? scratch
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