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Everything posted by fablokejw

  1. U wan meet me let me noe I can arrange during weekend. Together with my fren in sg
  2. Nice thunt ^^ thumbs up got xtra Ferrari thunt?
  3. The focus rs is I bought from a fren in malaysia
  4. [img][/img] thanks to microvette and fren from sg and jb for the cars on the left
  5. congrats on the supercars wave they re really cool
  6. https://m.facebook.com/reiziel.hasyad?ref=logo&__user=100003750340517 Beware of scammer! Warning!
  7. Orange evo G code. Wan cooperate with each other? LSK138? I can give u my fb acc and Hp no
  8. https://m.facebook.com/reiziel.hasyad?ref=logo&__user=100003750340517 Beware of this scammer in Facebook!! Go spread
  9. Can see through posts joshua and u have Facebook do let me know my name is takjw
  10. Toysrus? Tampines Toysrus sucks never top up 2 weeks+ a lot of muscle cars on pegs
  11. Same. I looking forward too and cant wait
  12. WOW u got alot of old cars
  13. i dont think M case so fast coz the treasure hunt i havent see the image so far. even in indonesia
  14. [img][/img] Today trades with a fren thanks to Microvette and pydrumerboy from Malaysia
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