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Everything posted by fablokejw

  1. [img][/img] this week haul in Singapore! and Looking for Thunt Shelby GR1,Malibu,Ferrari F430 scuderia,$uper falcon XB,Dodge Challenger,$uper 69 camaro,$uper beetle,$uper 599XX
  2. But I haven't c the thunt so far the 92 mustang even in Indonesia
  3. I got 599 $uPer actually from a NTUC
  4. Okay. Btw congrats on ur lucky haul today got 3 today at my place the kiddy palace
  5. Got how many th there?
  6. Btw where u found the thunt anyway? I share my finds today during the weekends.
  7. Error rx7 and thunt nice finds.
  8. Those are H case cars Joshua. It came with the no.10/15 thunt malibu code 969HHS my fren tell me one
  9. Wah 599xx.. My fren looking for that
  10. Ya fairlane is F case. I found 3 already
  11. Okay where? This one seems common
  12. Got xtra mustang fc and 57 Chevy and tbird and gto thunt?
  13. U got wad xtra 2011 thunt?
  14. hw cars u joshua? thanks man.
  15. who got xtra $uper camaro convterble,$uper chevelle wagon,$uper dodge challenger,$uper falcon xb and thunt shelby gr-1 and malibu pls pm me. As well as last year thunt as well Note* Malibu and GR1 is trade from a fren http://s1180.photobucket.com/albums/x410/fablokejw/?action=view&current=IMG_1213.jpg[/img][img][/img] [img][/img]
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