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Everything posted by orik

  1. hahahahha she is over protected like my mam
  2. unfortunately my sist searching also my mobile
  3. yes she older than me 10 years.....but i love her hahahahahahahahahah even though she breaks my nerves
  4. hahahahahah of course!!!1 my sister is esperia so i know
  5. nice comp...can i take part in?
  6. my entry orik proposing to her girlfriend at chalet-attic!!!!!!!!!!!!!the cupid is god eros that flies arrows to lovers
  7. geia s marianna ti kns????????
  8. orik

    Be aware.......

    really thats sad!!!!!!
  9. orik

    New fishes found!

    we got them only with in store foods?????
  10. love spot the differences and room week comp
  11. Haha, it looks just like my pet I created a couple of weeks ago, Bushy Evergreen: And here's my entry for the contest - my latest pet Fest Steve: really?
  12. happy birthday esperia !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! wish you all drems come true
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