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Didi here! I'm new here!

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Hello I am Didi, I have been playing PET SOCIETY for a while and my mom (kiki lolo) has been here, at PSFC, for a long time. I have been peeking over her shoulder while she is on here and eventually it got on her nerves and said for me to get my own profile!!! I love the site and everyone seems so friendly! Can't wait to join in on all the fun!
Thanks everyone and see you around the forum!

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aww hiya hun!!!!! welcome to PSFC! your mum is a wonderful member and im sure you will love it here!! Smile xx

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Hello Didi and welcome! I know that you'll love it here,because we have the #1 fan site with great contests,VIP members,safe traders,great staff,more then awesome members,and last but not least - a big growing family!

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Welcomeeeeeeeeeeeeee to the forum congratulations there are some great mods and admin here if you need any help... or just give us mere members a shout failing that lol!

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Thanks Gaiamaiden! My mom says you are all wonderful too! Smile

Thank you for the welcome Lazar! I plan to visit the "Balkan Corner" to. English is not my first language so it will be nice to chat with everyone there! Did you notice that our pets have the same name?? ROCKY!!! LOL!!

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Ames wrote:
Welcomeeeeeeeeeeeeee to the forum congratulations there are some great mods and admin here if you need any help... or just give us mere members a shout failing that lol!

Thank you Ames! Smile I can see that everyone is very welcoming, nice and helpful. It's great!

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hehe! we have the same taste in names lol!

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Lazar wrote:
hehe! we have the same taste in names lol!

Smile I change my pets name atleast once a month...lol and even the look of him Smile I don't know why..just something i've been doing since i started. I name my pet and change his look according to the season or holiday or just when i feel he has got to look different. I also bother my friends by copying their look and outfit for the day...it drives them mad!!

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Hi and welcome to the forum. I hope you have a lovely time here and if you have any questions, please ask.

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Welcome Sweetie ...hope you have lots of fun here ...and once you have 20 posts can join in all the great competitions

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Glad to see you have own account at last

'I'm sure you will love it here...any problems just give us a shout congratulationscongratulations

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Didi and Welcome to the PSFC Family!!! You are going to Love it here Please let us know if you need anything and I look forward to seeing you around.

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hiya, didi! and wellcome!

i'm sure you'll love it here! this forum rocks!

anyway, if you need any help, everyone is more then happy, and also, you can find our language corner here! Smile

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hi didi! welcome to PSFC! im sure u would love it here, u can ask ur mom... Laughing

any questions feel free to shout like this lol..

again, welcome here!!

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Good Morning everyone! Wow, thank you for all of the welcome wishes. You guys are definately awesome!

Kasi- Yep....looking forward to joining in some competitions! Smile
Lea- Hee Hee.....FINALLY!

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