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How do you know If....

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ok... im here laying on my bed with my Laptop and im wondering how do you know if you have a broken bone?

yesterday i was working (dont know if all of you know, but im an Actor and i work in a Theater) so just at the end of the Show, i accidently hit my foot with the edge of a door, and it hurt like "$&%&"... but the Show Must go on, they say, so i went up stage with my second left toe im pain, and did what i had to do...
i was worried i broke it, but i could move it, with pain, but sitll could move it... it has been about 8 hours since that and now its swollen and begging to look kind of purple

it isnt thaaaaaat painful, but now its harder for me to move it, and its really annoying coz i cant walk like a normaly do.. i look like Dr. House, when i try to walk

do you think i broke it?
never the less i will go to the doctor in while

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It's just a bruise I think.. you should check on Dr. Lisa congratulations

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hmmm, i think if you broke it you would be feeling sick and you wouldnt even be able to move it at all, so i dont think you have hun. but if you are worried maybe you should take a trip to the doctors xxx

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thank you alot you guys..
i will be sure to see a doctor later on today, i just have to find somebody to take me, coz i dont think i can be able to drive like this...
and i dont like going to the doctor by myself


Calling Dr. Lisa!!!!

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To be honest even if you have broken it there is not too much can be done..I mean how would you put a plaster cast on a toe??..I think you just have to stay off the foot for as long as you can ...and take painkillers if it is too painful ..hope it feels better soon xx

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LMAO Laughing
btw 5 more posts till this year congratulations
ooh,and I love your new avatar congratulations

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thank you Kasi.. i will go check to the doctor, and see what he tells me.. i just hope i can be able to perform tonigh

ANd Laz...
the last ime i checked i was about 1978 or so,, i wanted to make a big beutiful thread on my 1985 post, thats the year i was born
Sad how did i missed it?

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2 posts to go congratulations

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I don't know is it broken or not. My mother hit the same was to with her tow on the bed and broke it. But on volleyball training a ball hit my finger so gard that if I band it only a little bit it hurts but not broken.

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There are so many bones in a foot (or hand), definitely best to have it checked out! You can try tapping your injured toe to the one next to it, as a splint, to support it. Put plenty of ice on it.

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Oh thank your for that info Tromo and Kakonee
i have a lot of trannig in dancing as well, and the teachers always tell us to put Ice in almost any kindo of Injure...
heading to my fridge

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Be grateful you don't have a persistent Verruca wart on your foot. I have been hobbling about for a week.

Feel better soon, but do get it checked.

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Yes i know about your Verruca... and that its still driving you crazy.. hope you get better soon too

i promise i will go later to the doctor

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ok, so i went to the doctor, i just got back.. and i had nothing, no broken bone no fissuers nothing. thank God... just the silly pain, some extra pills and a lot of rest

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Hmm Maria la del Barrio?
I broke my ankle 5 days before my civil marriage
I was the only one who hadnt have fun at the party
And verrucas are really painful I had one on my foot and dermatologist removed it with liquid nytrogen

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when i started reading your post i started going "awwwwwwww....."
but when you rote you limp like dr house i could resist laughing!!! alteast it doesnt hurt enough for you to loose your humor.

i suggest that you have it checked. i once stubbed my big toe, although i didnt break it, something happened because im constantly in pain.

hope you get better!

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@sinenomine: hahaha.. it sint La del Barrio, its Marimar lol and also im so sorry to hear that about your wedding. did you have a church wedding after?

@hannahbananaa: thanks.. the pain wasnt thaaat bad, but really got worried, now all its under control.

@Fashionista: thank you sweetie, i went to the doctor early today, and i didint broke it or anything, it was just tcoz of the coup. thank God it wasnt anything else

and thank you all for all you nice and wonderful thoughts
Love you all

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Oh bless ya hun!

Glad to hear that it is not broken..try and rest it as much as you can, the more you rest it the quicker it will get better xxx

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thanks a lot Lisa,
im getting a lot of rest now, i just got back from the theater and it was a little difficult for me, but "the show must go on" lol

but the good news is that the more i rest, the more i can stay stick to my laptop, watch out coz you'll be getting lots of Falcor

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paiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinnnnnnnnn if its broken paiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinnnnnnnnn

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Falcor wrote:
ok, so i went to the doctor, i just got back.. and i had nothing, no broken bone no fissuers nothing. thank God... just the silly pain, some extra pills and a lot of rest
oufffff (relief ) nice!! get some rest now

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