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i lost my cellphone

and i don't know if i should be happy or sad about it, because, if i don't find it, i'll get a better one, but also, i'll loose all of my pictures, and contacts, and stuff that was on there

i just hope it will pop out of somewhere in this messy room.. if i lost it somewhere out, i'll NEVER find it.

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i assume that you tried to call yourself right?to see if anyone (decent) found it???

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remember what you told me about my nail polish? dont look for it and it will appear, but IF you dont find it hun you should get your network operator to block the card so no one can get the numbers on your phone xxx

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Oh no! Hideeni is at it again!
Good luck finding your phone. I've had to call myself several times...only to discover that the cell phone was lost in the couch!

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They can block the phone aswell..All you need to do is give them your cell number and they block the chip and if the chip is in the phone then they will block that aswell.

I hope you find it very soon...I lost my phone before and i lost everything on there.

I really hate it cause it wasnt really much my pictures...it was my contacts more then anything.,...

Iv lost a £70+ bracelet that my bf gave me before...He bought me the belcher bracelet and was buying me 10 charms every week...It was FULL of them...and i lost it =(.

Its so sad that poeple jyst take things they find and dont hand them in.....So so sad!!

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you need to find it.... store all the pics and contacts... then lose it again so that you can get a better phone

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hannahbananaa wrote:
you need to find it.... store all the pics and contacts... then lose it again so that you can get a better phone

oh hanna! LaughingLaughingLaughing

sorry you lost your phone babe. i really hope you find it. i know i would be completely lost without my phone. i totally depend on it. i hope you have a dream pointing out where your phone is!!!

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I agree with Hannah!!!
Find it! Look for it everywhere and you'll find it
Then copy all your contacts and photos
The best luck looking for it!!!

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i'm so sad you lost it Sad
i always ask friends to call me cause i can't find my phone when he is in my bag :lol
i'm sure you'll find it

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