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Chocolate Bread Disaster!

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just took the bread out of the oven and realized i forgot to spray the pan!! what a disaster!!!!
it does still taste yummy though. chocolate chocolate bread. but looks terrible!

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lol Sweetie it doesn't look terrible it looks yummy! I'm really bad with cakes sticking too. I'd still love to have a piece!

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it looks yummy-choco-full enough for me to eat

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hee hee lol. thanks...
i tried getting the rest out of the pan but that was even worse! ba ha ha!

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was thinking about starting my banana nut bread next but i think i'm wiped out from this one now. ba ha ha.

at least the blueberry bread turned out lovely!

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oh no dont give up :p things like that happen in the kitchen

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Aww. that at least looks edible. better than when I accidentally made cookies with bread flour. Ashamed

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lol me + kitchen = EXPLOSION. that cake loosk funny actually, not terrible. funnily delicious? Laughing

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Mangoberri wrote:
Aww. that at least looks edible. better than when I accidentally made cookies with bread flour. Ashamed

oh my! what did that taste like?

Riuna wrote:
lol me + kitchen = EXPLOSION. that cake loosk funny actually, not terrible. funnily delicious? Laughing

lol. it actually looks more like a disaster. but does taste pretty chocolity good Smile

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I have never been good a baking bread so i prefer to buy them Laughing
Congratz smorkle at least you cook delicious chocolate bread no matter of they are sticked to pan

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I think I have a no stick bundt around here somewhere...maybe I'll give it a go this weekend and try and bake a cake.. That looks yummy.

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LMAO! The good thing is that it's still tasty

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the bread looks shocked or just really surprised.

and its bursting with flavor anyways. now i want some. Laughing it actually looks okay XDD it really doesn't look terrible.

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The look is not important
All I care is about the taste
The picture look so yummy

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smorkle wrote:
Mangoberri wrote:
Aww. that at least looks edible. better than when I accidentally made cookies with bread flour. Ashamed

oh my! what did that taste like?

Riuna wrote:
lol me + kitchen = EXPLOSION. that cake loosk funny actually, not terrible. funnily delicious? Laughing

lol. it actually looks more like a disaster. but does taste pretty chocolity good Smile

It started getting really dry when I was mixing it so I put more butter and more butter

It ended up being hard and dry. Laughing

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Hey!!! I'm glad to see other bakers!
I to bake!!!!!

The cake dosen't look that bad ~ really!
I would have a piece - but i think so many people have asked for one that there is none left!
And if it tasted good that's the most important part!

You could have melted some chocolate with cream & butter and made a drizzly iccing to cover the top - extra chocolate can never hurt!!!

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I love baking...just never seem to have time to do any Sad

Think I might make that my mission for next week, to bake some cakes congratulations

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omg, seriously,that bread looks soooooooooooo yummy!

*yells at her mom to make her a cake*

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tweet40 wrote:
omg, seriously,that bread looks soooooooooooo yummy!

*yells at her mom to make her a cake*

You're not the only one Laughing

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wow your bread looks very delicious
today i was free and made surprise for my mommy-lemon cake^^
just wanted to share with you

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Gimme someeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!

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you all are so sweet!! hee hee. thank you for your kind words towards my disaster! LOL ba ha haha!!
oh, i took some to work yesterday and kiviern said she liked it. i think she just said that cuz she's my friend.

@Tiddly Winks
yeah, my pan said it was a no-stick also. liars! ba ha ha!!! so NOT no-stick!!

LOL it did look shocked!!

ahhh, that is a really pretty cake you made! i wish i could have some!!

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oh smorkle thanks hun
haha come to Moscow i'll bake for you it

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Me wants choco cake!!!!

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Foxpoly wrote:
wow your bread looks very delicious
today i was free and made surprise for my mommy-lemon cake^^
just wanted to share with you

You're good in baking cake!!!
looks so yummy

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I am forbidden to eat sweets coz I need to lose weight

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thanks Smile
i started to learn cooking when i was in Italian friend's house last year and she baked this cake
She gave me recipe and now i know how to make this cake
Also i know how to do carrot,apple and chocolate cakes congratulations

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Lazar wrote:
I am forbidden to eat sweets coz I need to lose weight

ahhh, that is really hard! i wish you the best with that hun!
that's my weakness too. i know that if i can just cut out the sweets i would lose the weight that i want to but i loooooovvvveeeee sweets! mostly cake and cookies! i just love them so much. not even really candy, but just really cake and cookies!!!!!!

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Foxpoly wrote:
thanks Smile
i started to learn cooking when i was in Italian friend's house last year and she baked this cake
She gave me recipe and now i know how to make this cake
Also i know how to do carrot,apple and chocolate cakes congratulations

Don't make me eat the computer

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Foxpoly wrote:
thanks Smile
i started to learn cooking when i was in Italian friend's house last year and she baked this cake
She gave me recipe and now i know how to make this cake
Also i know how to do carrot,apple and chocolate cakes congratulations

ohhhh! can you share the recipe with me too? please please pleeeeeaaaaasssseee!!!

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smorkle wrote:
Lazar wrote:
I am forbidden to eat sweets coz I need to lose weight

ahhh, that is really hard! i wish you the best with that hun!
that's my weakness too. i know that if i can just cut out the sweets i would lose the weight that i want to but i loooooovvvveeeee sweets! mostly cake and cookies! i just love them so much. not even really candy, but just really cake and cookies!!!!!!

*cries like a baby* I am also forbidden to eat ice-cream... Ok, now I'm getting mad Mad

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smorkle sure i'll send you recipe in message
Lazar,come on you don't have to lose weight

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Lazar wrote:
*cries like a baby* I am also forbidden to eat ice-cream... Ok, now I'm getting mad Mad

ahhh, sorry babe! how about exercise? or maybe just 1 treat per week?

awhile back i did that...just 1 treat per week and i lost weight. right now i'm about 2-3 treats per day it seems like!!

Foxpoly wrote:
smorkle sure i'll send you recipe in message

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Foxpoly wrote:
smorkle sure i'll send you recipe in message
Lazar,come on you don't have to lose weight

Easy for you to say, I want to go to the swimming pool, but I can't go like this... Sad

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Lazar wrote:

Easy for you to say, I want to go to the swimming pool, but I can't go like this... Sad

oh hun, i TOTALLY and COMPLETELY understand!!!! how about walking or jogging to start off? lifting weights?

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smorkle wrote:
Lazar wrote:
*cries like a baby* I am also forbidden to eat ice-cream... Ok, now I'm getting mad Mad

ahhh, sorry babe! how about exercise? or maybe just 1 treat per week?

awhile back i did that...just 1 treat per week and i lost weight. right now i'm about 2-3 treats per day it seems like!!

Foxpoly wrote:
smorkle sure i'll send you recipe in message

I always do exercise but my problem is that I ma eating sweets 8 times per day. I loooooooooove chocolate. Some people eat thousands tons of chocolate per day and they don't gain one pound!

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smorkle wrote:
Lazar wrote:

Easy for you to say, I want to go to the swimming pool, but I can't go like this... Sad

oh hun, i TOTALLY and COMPLETELY understand!!!! how about walking or jogging to start off? lifting weights?

We have a sort of a ranch here in our town. The ranch is huge and we love to do sport activities there. I might go there a few times this summer

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Lazar wrote:
I always do exercise but my problem is that I ma eating sweets 8 times per day. I loooooooooove chocolate. Some people eat thousands tons of chocolate per day and they don't gain one pound!

don't worry about those people hun, their chocolate eating will catch up with them too.
i used to be like one of them, until i turned 30. i know that's a ways away for you but you will get there eventually and then it will be so much harder to lose. trust me when i say that!!

try just cutting your sweets down to maybe 1 or 2 per day. start slow so you can stick to it. don't torture yourself or else you'll set yourself up to fail.

Lazar wrote:
smorkle wrote:
Lazar wrote:

Easy for you to say, I want to go to the swimming pool, but I can't go like this... Sad

oh hun, i TOTALLY and COMPLETELY understand!!!! how about walking or jogging to start off? lifting weights?

We have a sort of a ranch here in our town. The ranch is huge and we love to do sport activities there. I might go there a few times this summer

that's a great idea!!!!!

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smorkle wrote:
Lazar wrote:
I always do exercise but my problem is that I ma eating sweets 8 times per day. I loooooooooove chocolate. Some people eat thousands tons of chocolate per day and they don't gain one pound!

don't worry about those people hun, their chocolate eating will catch up with them too.
i used to be like one of them, until i turned 30. i know that's a ways away for you but you will get there eventually and then it will be so much harder to lose. trust me when i say that!!

try just cutting your sweets down to maybe 1 or 2 per day. start slow so you can stick to it. don't torture yourself or else you'll set yourself up to fail.

Lazar wrote:
smorkle wrote:
Lazar wrote:

Easy for you to say, I want to go to the swimming pool, but I can't go like this... Sad

oh hun, i TOTALLY and COMPLETELY understand!!!! how about walking or jogging to start off? lifting weights?

We have a sort of a ranch here in our town. The ranch is huge and we love to do sport activities there. I might go there a few times this summer

that's a great idea!!!!!

I will try to eat 1 sweet per week.. That is, 3 ice cream scoops per week Laughing

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Lazar wrote:
I will try to eat 1 sweet per week.. That is, 3 ice cream scoops per week Laughing

wow! that's a huge cutback laz! good luck babe but if you accidentally have it more that once (like twice) don't get down on yourself. just try your best! good luck hun and keep us updated on how you are doing with that.

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smorkle wrote:
Lazar wrote:
I will try to eat 1 sweet per week.. That is, 3 ice cream scoops per week Laughing

wow! that's a huge cutback laz! good luck babe but if you accidentally have it more that once (like twice) don't get down on yourself. just try your best! good luck hun and keep us updated on how you are doing with that.

LMAO! I will I will

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haha i eat something sweet maybe 8 times a day Laughing
can't live without sweets

smorkle,i sent you recipe
ask if you don't understand anything Smile

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Lazar wrote:
smorkle wrote:
Lazar wrote:
I am forbidden to eat sweets coz I need to lose weight

ahhh, that is really hard! i wish you the best with that hun!
that's my weakness too. i know that if i can just cut out the sweets i would lose the weight that i want to but i loooooovvvveeeee sweets! mostly cake and cookies! i just love them so much. not even really candy, but just really cake and cookies!!!!!!

*cries like a baby* I am also forbidden to eat ice-cream... Ok, now I'm getting mad Mad

No Ice-Cream??? I would faint if that happen

Come on, Laz, you can do it Laughing
I'm also think I'm fat, and ever think must losing some weight, but always fail

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-Serenity- wrote:
Lazar wrote:
smorkle wrote:
Lazar wrote:
I am forbidden to eat sweets coz I need to lose weight

ahhh, that is really hard! i wish you the best with that hun!
that's my weakness too. i know that if i can just cut out the sweets i would lose the weight that i want to but i loooooovvvveeeee sweets! mostly cake and cookies! i just love them so much. not even really candy, but just really cake and cookies!!!!!!

*cries like a baby* I am also forbidden to eat ice-cream... Ok, now I'm getting mad Mad

No Ice-Cream??? I would faint if that happen

Come on, Laz, you can do it Laughing
I'm also think I'm fat, and ever think must losing some weight, but always fail


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