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Pedj@ 94 Dixy

Chest Clearing =D

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Hi guys congratulations well i'm cleaning my chest and i have done some gifting today congratulations i sent about 10-15 gifts to some members congratulations probably will do some more gifting later congratulations but this is pretty slow way to clear your 192 pages of items LOL congratulations soo what is your comment congratulations how i can clear it fast congratulations i want to clear on at leas of 100-150 pages but it will be pretty hard cause i already sold almost all IS and HG and MB items congratulations maybe i would also sell free gifts and hideeni items congratulations that i don't like of cours like halloween candies etc congratulations ?? what you think i should do congratulations

i have sent gifts to this people congratulations


will send more soon for sure congratulations but pleas tel me if you know better way to clear my chest congratulations xD

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Well, if you don't mind selling some Hideeni items (since they can't be gifted) you can sell the ones that you have only one of. That way you can still have some of his items but not too, many. Or just sell the ones that you sorta like and keep the ones that you do like. congratulations And honestly, the Christmas decorations take up A LOT of room, and I just have a few of them. XD

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ohh thank you congratulations yeah congratulations Christmas decorations and halloween pumpkin decorations and snowman and scarecrow congratulations i will sell them probably on forum for some cheap price as a whole complet congratulations or will gift them congratulations thank youu congratulations

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Sasha was thrilled when I finally got on PS and let her open her gifts from you and Dixy. Thank you so much!

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No prob congratulations I see mine and think, "What am I gona do with these? I probably won't use them," but I'm too attached to my stuff and won't get rid of them since I guess I haven't gotten to the 100+ pages yet. XD But I guess I should limit them for the sake of them not being a pain. XD LOL

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heheheheh congratulations there wasn't any problems wqhen i had about 100 pages congratulations but now congratulations when i have 190 pages of clothes and my house is whole of items it is pretty hard to find something that you need if you don't know name Sad

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w0w.... 190 pages of clothes!!!... wish i also had that many items... btw... i wish i could be gift bombed someday...

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hehe... but its still many.... hehe.... are you getting the clothes for both boys and girls?

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thanks so much pedj for the gifts xxx

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you are very welcome hun

guys congratulations i'm going to do big sale in my chest congratulations and then when i sell all items i really don't need i will open shop here with all another NIS items and almost everything will be few 999 except if that items are pretty rare congratulations xD also will do some gifting congratulations xD and small giveaway congratulations xD

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ohhh thank you Charlotte congratulations and yeah i forgot to inform you guys congratulations i have yesterday sold a lot of junk and still IS items to store and now i have 180 pages instead of 192 and i have earned 85 000 coins can't wait monday to spent them LOL xD congratulations

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acctualy 95 after selling some more unwanted items like wallpapers and floors LOL congratulations xD planing to collect as many as i can and i want for Dixy to be the rich pet congratulations i'm thinking of buying only TWS items that i like soo i will not spend a lot of coins congratulations

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Acctually you can also send your things to your best friend's account who don't really play pet society. Then when you need it, u can ask him or her send you back straightly Smile

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85,000 wow thats really amazing! congratulations Like 10x more than I will ever have at once! LOL XD

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Dear Pedja, I am currently creating my halloween stuff room, I really hope that you are putting some halloween stuffs up for sale. Thanks.

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