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Free Oz Transformation Potions for our Wonderful Members!! - free till Friday

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If we are not yet friends, please send me a f/r with this typed in
"PSFC Transformation"
Otherwise, I may ignore your f/r. Thanks!


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may i have 1 Tin Pet Transformation Potion ? (just clarifying it's only 1 potion right? (just wondered))

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marquise wrote:
hello can i have an Oz transformation potion plese Smile scarecraw Smile

f/r sent. please add me

blastertoyo wrote:
may i have 1 Tin Pet Transformation Potion ? (just clarifying it's only 1 potion right? (just wondered))

yes, 1 per member. thank you for asking congratulations
sending now!! congratulations
edit: delivered

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Guest Guest

Can I please get a Toto transformation potion?
(I already used up the one I got as a gift).

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yay! i'm so glad you all want to get transformed! bahaha!

i will deliver them to your homes later when i get home from work!

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ok, i've delivered potions to everyone above.
and i've sent extras to everyone as well. if i accidentally did not send you a bonus potion, please let me know and i will. if you'd like more, please let me know. i've decided all potions will be free to members till this friday so make your requests.

please just don't request something like this
"i want 10 of each" - this type of request will result in a big fat NO! Laughing

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may i have one potion of ur choice...i dont how my pet will be transformed so ur favourite one................thanxxxxx alot congratulations
we r already frndzzzzzzz congratulations

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omg! i'm sooooo sorry everyone! i'm trying to get on to PS now.
i've been really busy with packing. we're moving in a couple days so it's been hectic to say the least!

okay, everyone's potions have been sent! enjoy!!

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I would like one too.. I love the dog and the lion and the tin and the scarfecrow in that order whatever you like if we still can ask for them..

Thank you so much anyway!!! congratulationscongratulationscongratulations

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I would love either the lion or the Toto, whichever you still have. Or maybe I've waited til too late to ask. Thanks either way for your generosity


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that's very nice of you, if I'm not too late may I ask for one too? I don't mind which one I have a potion collection

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