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random photosnap - new @ 25/05/09

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Just want to share my random photo snap.

I will protect the City Day and Night

A lonely driver

i want to fly.........

City Sleeker

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agreed with san...
the 5 alarm night shot is nice~
keep up the good work bro~

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very hard to get the shot.. it the only nice shot.. others were blurs...

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YU5H wrote:
very hard to get the shot.. it the only nice shot.. others were blurs...

You stay in a condo??? I ingat you duduk teras??

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the yellow................................ building la bro... PV 10 lake... come n we dive to the pool...or flirt amoi...

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MarieJuliette wrote:
pretty cool pics!!!

izzit?............. huhuhu just playing around with photoshop n thanks marie

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rikmun wrote:
u photoshop the tyres?

Yes, he has photoshop those tyres, that is why they look like spinning.
Any where, good job bro YU5H.
Next time try to add in flame on the tyres, made it look like burning. Laughing

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whoa...nice pics bro yush~
the civic sure looks its up and running..
and the tampos of that 350z is awesome~

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ye.. i do photoshop them...

@ coolsman... i'll learn how to make smoke ... burned rubber..

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YU5H wrote:
ye.. i do photoshop them...

@ coolsman... i'll learn how to make smoke ... burned rubber..

Do your photoshop using any other plugin? example like Eyecandy3000, inside of it have ready made smoke effect, pretty cool!

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fuh........... coolman is an IT man.... wow......... i forget how to install plugin into PS... hahaha teach me man..

sure can zint

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YU5H did you drop any car from your floor? I think i saw one hell bent one lying downstairs........


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YU5H wrote:
fuh........... coolman is an IT man.... wow......... i forget how to install plugin into PS... hahaha teach me man..

sure can zint

Ha ha ha, not really lah! I am not a IT man as you know what am i.
Just only interested in Graphic ,some time also doing some freelance.

The Eyecandy 3000 is really easy,just install ,crack it,that's all!
It will appear under Photoshop Filter.

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cool effect... we want more more more....

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it would be nice if the details inside if painted kan bro yush~

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Guess Who's tail is belong to?


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Cool pics! play with real photography, lightings apature all that.. don't rely on photoshop stuff too much, photoshop is just to enhance, not create.

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use potochop to enlarge...

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1st time i ever saw this one

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izzit urs mr yu5h?
looks nice...
what car is this anyway..

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netmatrix wrote:
YU5H did you drop any car from your floor? I think i saw one hell bent one lying downstairs........


If like that i wonder is suicide case or murder case.... coz is murder case... then YUSH i going to report you! Razz jkjk

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thanks san~
now that rings a bell...
used to play hotwheels game on PS1...
i think that car got in that game...
the good ol days...

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wacko_joy wrote:
netmatrix wrote:
YU5H did you drop any car from your floor? I think i saw one hell bent one lying downstairs........


If like that i wonder is suicide case or murder case.... coz is murder case... then YUSH i going to report you! Razz jkjk

it's suicide............................ call CSI KL to solve it. ahaks

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the spinning rim look very real to me... go0d job

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zbrkjg wrote:
the spinning rim look very real to me... go0d job


the wonderful world of Photoshop

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someday might come true!

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looking 4 the orange to be rape..

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have u see my bro... his yellow with black stripes on it.

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