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Py pos for the day 2nd JUly 2009

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i think after this we will be flooded by the camaro wave

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@cham- well its not exciting but a lot better than qombee. What is mattel doing ah? Strategy apa ni??

@RG - you got triple I read somewhere....hehe

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congraz py! better camaro wave than qombee wave...... at the moment. Smile

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^ not yet beat qombee..but soon..i wonder..lol
at least giv us rockster lar..haih apa lar..

thanx for the info py..C4 right?

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wahh.. nice pos... now is camaro season pulak, huhu~~

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@tq tq, POS is always more exciting for me nywayz.

But I am not very happy to see the waves going backwards again. Very anticlimatical. Not so exciting because already have a few camaro...

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one wave that i hope they are going backward was the 16 angels wave. haha. Smile

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Well one wave that I would love from last year would be the rockster, at least can complete my 08. I wouldn't mind the 16 angels to help me complete my super 08. Only these two left.

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i love both, huhu, since i havent got both with international cards..

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