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trade with bro enyo

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thanks brother

the right side is extras from him to me.thanks bro

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Adrian wrote:
Nice trade..why the blue car boxes have been half?

errr..no idea..but i still like it...KNIGHT RIDER!!

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rikmun wrote:
Adrian wrote:
Nice trade..why the blue car boxes have been half?

errr..no idea..but i still like it...KNIGHT RIDER!!

Ooo..Ya, half card better than no card.. laugh1 hehe..

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the half card cars are from a recent shipment of mixture cars that i got cheap. Since i saw an enzo inside and some nice cars, i took them out and sold the rest just to cover my cost. I realize i did not have time to customized due to work, study and hunting commitment, I decided to give to Rikmun to push him to do well in his coming PMR exams.

Remember Rikmun, cars are useless without cash to pump the petrol. Unless it's a HOT-WHEELS

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enyomic wrote:
the half card cars are from a recent shipment of mixture cars that i got cheap. Since i saw an enzo inside and some nice cars, i took them out and sold the rest just to cover my cost. I realize i did not have time to customized due to work, study and hunting commitment, I decided to give to Rikmun to push him to do well in his coming PMR exams.

Remember Rikmun, cars are useless without cash to pump the petrol. Unless it's a HOT-WHEELS

I also have my PMR exam...soon!! brows

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yah ... with your wife and kid izzit ..... Parents Main Resposibility Test

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enyomic wrote:
the half card cars are from a recent shipment of mixture cars that i got cheap. Since i saw an enzo inside and some nice cars, i took them out and sold the rest just to cover my cost. I realize i did not have time to customized due to work, study and hunting commitment, I decided to give to Rikmun to push him to do well in his coming PMR exams.

Remember Rikmun, cars are useless without cash to pump the petrol. Unless it's a HOT-WHEELS

mr enyo, you're really a nice fella, motivates others to do well and i respect you... clapclapclap

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wah.....extra shorties for trade......worth every penny.....

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great trading items rikmun~
and that 16 angels look nice...
hmm PMR is coming soon...
same like my lil sister...
good luck on urs rik~

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