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Concept Cars

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TOYOTA iQ Concept. Now on sale.



Toyota Personal Mobility Concept



PEUGEOT Runner Concept



Another PEUGEOT Concept



TOYOTA Off Roader Concept


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toyota iQ, offroader quite nice, very cute. Toyota racer also look very keng and roadster olso but the others kinda weird lehh...

anyway..nice pic inglee...

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Thanks for sharing the pictures.

Guess most of these cars won't see light of day.

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i think the toyota racer concept is called Toyota Motor Trialthlon Concept in Gran Turismo 4

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I don't know if anyone still remember this...

GM Ultralite.

Sandra Bullock and Sylvester Stallone drove it in Demolition Man, fighting against Wesley Snipes......

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Oh and the original concept was built by Scaled Composites, which is owned by Burt Rutan now, who together with Richard Branson created that Virgin Galactic space plane vehicle....

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