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ZT's Dream Garage

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Here are photos of my little collection, will update from time to time.
Let's start off with everyone's favourite - Nissan GT-R

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GTRs will be next "all time favourite"!!

nice bro!

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chee keng hong wrote:
Nice!! Hope to see more of ur collections!!

Thank you
Here's more - Audi R8

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nice cars!

seems like ZT also into photography now..later u'll find ur current camera not enough and want more...when that time comes, welcome to the darkside..hahaha

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kurz wrote:
nice cars!

seems like ZT also into photography now..later u'll find ur current camera not enough and want more...when that time comes, welcome to the darkside..hahaha

Yup. Regretted selling off my dslr, this PnS can't even shoot on macro mode properly
Anyway more pictures.. One of my favourite casting - Porsche Carrera GT

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nice carrera gt there zacktan...
love the honeycomb designs on the engines...

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zacktan wrote:
kurz wrote:
nice cars!

seems like ZT also into photography now..later u'll find ur current camera not enough and want more...when that time comes, welcome to the darkside..hahaha

Yup. Regretted selling off my dslr, this PnS can't even shoot on macro mode properly
Anyway more pictures.. One of my favourite casting - Porsche Carrera GT

ur dslr got new owner Smile

nice garage ZT!!

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kuih_tiow wrote:
zacktan wrote:
kurz wrote:
nice cars!

seems like ZT also into photography now..later u'll find ur current camera not enough and want more...when that time comes, welcome to the darkside..hahaha

Yup. Regretted selling off my dslr, this PnS can't even shoot on macro mode properly
Anyway more pictures.. One of my favourite casting - Porsche Carrera GT

ur dslr got new owner Smile

nice garage ZT!!

Haha.. thanks KT

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Veru nice photos and cars. keep it up! Well taken. Thanks!

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^ tires ARE rubber
go visit his blog la..many more poisoning pics for that enzo
hehe RazzRazz

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thanks for pointing out kurz~
silider packaging enzo rupanya tu...

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zint3000 wrote:
really worth the money for that enzo...

100% agree...i keep it back to the case(sure!)....coz will heart broken if see the enzo got dust

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