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early may haul

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wahhh..bad bagger...dasyat haul alfagta...congrats..

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rg-ini luar Kl haul la,u c so surprise with BB mau trade ka ?hehe

ckh-go outstation last weekend ma-cari cari la.....

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wah!!!!! senyap senyap haul....
congrats on the haul, infact good haul!

eh, so many Bone Shaker??

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sppeddemonz- thys lucky get 1 ratbomb
sahama-tq ,semua dari satu tempat......
xebec- i dunno why,KL manyak BS hilang, itu tempat I pegi,mana mana pun ada BS....i left bout 3-5 never take la....or else lagi manyak BS
Danielh- KL no chance get this vege oredi, I was outstaion last weekend,so got chance la....this place where i go haul also got 2-4 BS.....maybe not famous there....so decide took few la for future trade in Kl....
Kiuh-me too like the yellow so much but only 2 each found
wild-bukan diam diam haul,outstation haul...hehe
mtachbox-thy bro,sure took those famous one lor....
sinclair-okla, longtime no haul in Kl oredi.....so got chanc ego outstation,try my luck lor!

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Great catch.

Lovely yellow cars.

Alot of BS...hehehe

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