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My halloween haul (31.10.2010)

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Went to a new area today and found some new stuff. Happy to find 3 Batmobiles. Unhappy to find so many VW Golf all with bad tampo alignment until didn't even buy one. Now on high alert - I'm sure more new stuff is out there. Razz

Also had a lot of other stuff haul



Also bought this coz discounted really low, summore is ori What a Face

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Whoah.....what a great discoveries. Congratz bro. Is the Honda Insight white in color?. Love the VW classic bus and its Lesney ed..

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nice hauling there bro... some old skool stuff too.. congrats...
me likey much..

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nice haul batmobile bro! havent seen any batmobile here yet ><
like the Matchbox VW T2 bus. how much dat cost in Oz?

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so easy to find that batmobiles, 3 cars in single scoop!
congrats!! cheers

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Aitttt thought see something scary here but just that cool cars.
Where all hantu hantu cars...not grab meh.... show la if you got that hantu hantu cars.

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