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Hee haa hee haa hauls............

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Haul merepek hari ni..

Haul terlepas gathering, huhuhu..

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3 diatas dari Amcorp Mall,
3 dibawah dari Giant Kelana Jaya.

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I tot Giant at KJ was dead, but looks back to life. Good hauls.

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Another one for today..~

From News.my Tesco Shah Alam.

Thank You guys, haha you guys are awesome, always supportive..!
@Sinclair : Yeah, it's barely alive there, the pegs are slow moving, when it does restock, it will only be a few cars, like 10-15 amount...but every once in awhile new waves can be spotted.

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@protonticon - Hahaha berbakul2, mana ade, sehelai jer beb, hehe..

@ckh - you need more? how many do you have already..!!!?

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Oohh that's a very nice Dairy Delivery.. About time they remake a movie for He Man. After transformers and all that comic book heroes movies

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Fadli85 wrote:


Premium diecast here, congrats

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pergh......ramai la plak yg dah ada He-Man DD tu....... shocking

huhu.....aku jer yg takder lagi........ crycry

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