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New Upcoming items!

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I LOVE the upcoming items!The new dolls!! The wwf items!!awesome!! exclusive for you!! PSFC
Tell us what you think !


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wowowowowww.. i lovee all of new items.. cant wait next week :blush2: : :biggrin: : congratulations

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Oh my God, I love almost everything here! I'll definitely be getting one of those fox plushies! ♥️♥️

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Looking forward to the coming next week... :happy:
Hopefully the prices won't be high...

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I want the fox and the unicorn but Im afraid it will be in cash shop again.

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I guess that "with first purchase" means that you get it when you buy something from cash shop but only for the first time. So 1 person will have only 1 fox toy. So they made it even more rare, than anything else. But maybe Im wrong.

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sonas wrote:
I guess that "with first purchase" means that you get it when you buy something from cash shop but only for the first time. So 1 person will have only 1 fox toy. So they made it even more rare, than anything else. But maybe Im wrong.

i do hope your wrong. i dont buy in the cash shop,and id really love one of those fox toys

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soooooo excited they're absolutely fabulous !!!!!!!!! :biggrin: :

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I like the different shaped bottles have a collection at my house already so my pet needs them too.

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There's a lot more stuff there that can be used in Marble's Hogwarts house. I see a Divination classroom being created tomorrow!

There's also more stuff for his Potions classroom. lol

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I'm in love with the new items but they'll be in cash shop for sure,that makes me mad at PS !!!!!!!!!!!

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I also love the new items! I just barely was able to get all of last weeks amazing things and now....here we go again! Another great week! I really really really love the pond thing. I hope that it is NOT in the Cash Shop!

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I'm not so excited this week. The painting and the new fish are nice but I'm not so into the wizard stuff Sad

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I kind of like the pink furniture... wonder if those will be cash shop. The other items don't thrill me really, not into the wizard stuff either. Will certainly get the unicorn if it's not in cash shop.

My guess on the fox plushie is the first time you purchase something from the cash store, you will get the fox plushie, but not on future purchases. I assume Playfish is trying to lure in the 'holdouts' (I'm one of them) who have not bought anything from the cash store.

As for the new icons... I am first wondering if they're from some other playfish game... but if they are for PS... is it possible we will have cars? Maybe a racing game? Bumper cars game? Design your own car to buy?

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xjemmaxlouisex wrote:
I dont really understand what a wish list is or does could anyone explain to me please

A wishlist is a list of items you "Wish for", items you have not been able to get Smile

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2 and a half more hours!!!! I can't wait!!! These are some of the bests weeks items since I started playing regularly. *getting impatient*


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i just love the panda stuff and unicorn doll so i was bound to be hooked lol what sort of stuff would u want Steve?

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I can't wait for that unicorn doll Gaia!!! Of course I'm sure you remember me suggesting they make one in your wedding contest asking us what Doll we thought they should come up with! I was so shocked they actually made one SmileSmileSmile I'm so excited about it!!

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YAY!!! Smile i cant wait, wonder how much it will cost?
They should make a cute little fairy doll like tinkerbell lol

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I agree a fairy doll would totally rock!!! A Pet Fairy Doll...OOooooHHH! That would be truly spectacular!!!

I'm getting so anxious for the new stuff, and I'm not wanting to relinquish the comp to mom yet, but I have to soon, lol, I'm trying to make coins. But I have a shower to take, some trash to take out, and some clothes to put up, guess by the time I do all that and let mom have fun with her PS and Farmtown and maybe Dad on here awhile, by the time I get back on...NEW ITEMS!! WHOOT WHOOT!! Smile

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lol well its nearly 11pm here so im sitting with my hubby watching a film Smile so by the time thats finished the new items should be here!!! woop!!! oh and i think my kitten Luna cant wait either, she keeps looking at my laptop lol

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I think I've got like the first 3 dvds, and I have another Super Sailor S dvd the pegasus one, and I have the VHS of Super Sailor S movie, that has the dream boat on it...been awhile since I've watched them so I can't remember the *actual* names. But yes, very good stuff. I adore sailor moon!!

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gee thanks for making me feel old....I remember my son watching this

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"Fighting Evil by moonlight! Winning love by daylight! Never running from a real fight, she is the one named Sailor Moon!" LMAO

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For what it's worth I wasn't very little when I started watching it...They are so pretty!!!

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That's why I like the black cat so much Gaia, makes me think of LUNA. Doesn't it??? Look like her an awful lot!!! congratulations

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