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get well soon Lee

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just had a message from Lee that he was took in to hospital yesterday , just feeling a bit ill ( will let him tell you if he wants to),

Just thought you would all like to wish him well and this thread may cheer him up when he sees it ,

so get better soon m8 thumbs

ps hope the sex change goes ok

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sorry to hear the bad news . take care Lee all the best Garry ,

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Chin up mate, if you don't want the bed baths just give me a ring, I'll have em Very Happy Hope it all goes well thumbs

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Shocked what's up? Heal quick mate no1

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Hey get well soon mate all the best from the hemmings household thumbs

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cheers all yes dave the sex change went well

Im now called shirley lol!

here goes quite some time ago I was passing blood in my urine,docs said it was an infection antibiotics course job done all gone

Thursday night gone,its back thought right will go see the doc again,3am friday morning wakes up with a pain down south as if the jewels were been clamped in a vice affraid

so of to the docs,quick check over rushed into hospital affraid

after some tests,the docs confirmed infection in one of the jewels,this is now the size of a coconut affraid

now the more worrying bit Sad the doc is treating me with antibiotics,then another blood test in four weeks,then go back in six weeks as he thinks,its a prostate problem affraidaffraidaffraid

Thanks for all the well wishes,will let you all know how things go

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Thanks for the update mate hope all ends well, we are all here for a chinwag whenever mate thumbs

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@Stue11 wrote:
Thanks for the update mate hope all ends well, we are all here for a chinwag whenever mate thumbs
cheers stue thumbs

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Is that right the missus has asked for the swelling to stay fofl
Seriously mate, hope it all turns out good for you thumbs

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ITCHY wrote:
Is that right the missus has asked for the swelling to stay fofl
Seriously mate, hope it all turns out good for you thumbs
cheers mate

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So your weekend has been a big balls up. Hope all is well soon 4 u.

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@Kenb wrote:
So your weekend has been a big balls up. Hope all is well soon 4 u.

lol! just a bit

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so elephantitus of the nuts? yowser! hope it isn't prostate probs... and at least you got it checked out - more than most blokes do

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@Davehutch wrote:
so hows it going Lee ?
at the docs in the morning,for a blood test that will take two weeks to come back,but the results are going to urology at the local hospital

Then go and see the doctor there on the 20th december,to see whats causeing it

fingers crossed it will be nothing,but this has happend twice now

main thing is the docs are listening to what ive told them and not fobbing me of with tablets

will keep you informed

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Sorrry to read about this Lee hope the doc's get to the bottom of this and its easily sorted.


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@Davehutch wrote:
at least things are happening m8, the sooner you get the tests the better thumbs

@Grumpyowl wrote:
Sorrry to read about this Lee hope the doc's get to the bottom of this and its easily sorted.


cheers chaps like I say fingers crossed it will be nothing thumbs

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@lee wrote:
@Davehutch wrote:
so hows it going Lee ?
at the docs in the morning,for a blood test that will take two weeks to come back,but the results are going to urology at the local hospital

Then go and see the doctor there on the 20th december,to see whats causeing it

fingers crossed it will be nothing,but this has happend twice now

main thing is the docs are listening to what ive told them and not fobbing me of with tablets

will keep you informed

Best of luck mate, hopfully its something simple

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