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hardest thing ive had to do

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just got back from the vets ive had to have our 14yr old chocolate lab put to sleep Sad

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Sorry, I feel for you. But I am sure you will have so many fond memories.

I have had to do that myself twice. Its a horrible thing to have to go through.

There is nothing I can say to help......
Best wishes

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just got back from the vets ive had to have our 14yr old chocolate lab put to sleep Sad

sad day stan sorry to hear that m8 Sad

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Really feel for you mate, been in that position myself. Very sad day.

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So sorry to hear this Stan Sad give my best to your family.

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It may be the hardest thing you've had to do, but it's also the kindest. Our chocolate lab was only 8 when I had to make the decision on the phone, while the vet kept her under having discovered massive cancer. As I type I'm fighting the tears but it was without doubt the correct thing to do. Chin up mate, you did right. Smile

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So sorry to hear this ive been through this 4 times and it gets harder everytime.
Only animal lovers can understand your loss.

we had to do this in november with our 13 1/2 yr cocker spaniel, his ashes still in loft cant face burying them with his ball yet.

However we now have a puppy english springer spaniel called Rosie (my names Jim )
for any of you with kids Rosie and Jim.

She can't replace the old dog but she's a real charector and gets me out for walks.

Find a nice photo put him on your screensaver..

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feel for you stan! one of the hardest things about having pets. but im sure you will have many fond memories

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something you never forget Sad xx

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when i took our lurcher in to be put down (cancer) I came out blubbing. Damn thing used to annoy me at times too , it was the most disobedient dog I'd ever had , never listened to what i said . I swear it done things to pee me off.
I thought it would not affect me having him put down but it probably affected me the most. Especially as he was always waiting to greet me when i got home ....thats the bit i missed the most when he first went.

we too had piper cremated , his box of ashes are still in the backroom on a shelf .
we'll bury them one day.

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we were just talking about the time she pinched the christmas turkey off the cooker on boxing day years ago and when she pinched the sausages when i was making sausage rolls for our andys 7th birthday party she was still thieving last night when she pinched our andys potato skins good times

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we were just talking about the time she pinched the christmas turkey off the cooker on boxing day years ago and when she pinched the sausages when i was making sausage rolls for our andys 7th birthday party she was still thieving last night when she pinched our andys potato skins good times
Bless her Stan, i remeber when me nans dog died i was 8, i grew up with her she was was like a best friend to and she would let noone come anywere near me when i was about, my grandad held me as i was sobbing and said we gave her the best life any dog could have had and we were to remember the good times and that i did, i will dig out a pic later and post it up thumbs

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Sad news Stan Sad ,I just want to echo whats already been said. We're on our first dog 10 month old and she's already as much a part of the family as anyone so my deepest sympathy to you mate!

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