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Its such a shame

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I wouldn't wish death on them but I would wish a very long and hard beating.

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@Robbie wrote:
I wouldn't wish death on them but I would wish a very long and hard beating.

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@Robbie wrote:
I wouldn't wish death on them but I would wish a very long and hard beating.

Sounds like a plan thumbs

Difficult one this, especially for the family. But if he hadn't stolen the bike, this wouldn't have happened.

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But this wasn't a kid, it was a 22yo man who deliberately broke into somebody's house and stole property with an utter contempt for the family concerned. ' loveable rogue' intimates nauseous little scrote, known to the police and with a string of petty convictions behind him. If he was 15-17, well heck, we all make mistakes, but he's had another five years to turn his life around and failed to do anything except carry on ruining other people's lives.
Not only am I glad he's dead, but his genetically challenged, web toed family should be made to pay for the damaged property and cost of the inquiry, perhaps by selling off their whippets, gag bikes and quads. Chav scum.

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@XS1100 wrote:
But this wasn't a kid, it was a 22yo man who deliberately broke into somebody's house and stole property with an utter contempt for the family concerned. ' loveable rogue' intimates nauseous little scrote, known to the police and with a string of petty convictions behind him. If he was 15-17, well heck, we all make mistakes, but he's had another five years to turn his life around and failed to do anything except carry on ruining other people's lives.
Not only am I glad he's dead, but his genetically challenged, web toed family should be made to pay for the damaged property and cost of the inquiry, perhaps by selling off their whippets, gag bikes and quads. Chav scum.

Well said

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Jeez Gaz that's extreme. He nicked a bike, he hasn't been caught kiddy fiddling or shot half his neighbourhood. Just because bikes mean a lot to us doesn't alter the fact they're only machines-possessions. Let's keep some perspective.

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Jeez Gaz that's exreme. He nicked a bike, he hasn't been caught kiddy fiddling or shot half his neighbourhood. Just because bikes mean a lot to us doesn't alter the fact they're only machines-possessions. Let's keep some perspective.

The bike means nothing to me as standard, but the time and effort put into making my bike different from the rest is something i cannot get back and wouldnt want back if some shit stole it.So if its one more thief off the road then i agree with gaz.

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before my wife and i had kids our house was burgled twice ,i had a bike stolen another time and my business was also screwed with them taking all our equipment. seing as my wife lost her parents when she was a teenager and all she physically had to remember them was some items of jewelry she was pretty broken up.apart from property damage and loss there is a hell of a lot more suffering when these scumbags pay you a visit.god help one if i catch him in my house now.
so in my oppinion f**k him one less scumbag.

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Had an identical thing happen here late last year.
Guy died when the bike he'd stolen crashed.
I got grief for saying "so what". I was only sorry the
owner had his bike crashed.

The world gas gone soft.
What was he going to get if he'd been caught?
What was he going to do next if he hasn't been?
To many low life's not contributing to society,
one less isnt much but it's a start.

Sorry, but no sympathy from me.

He removed himself from the system
as not as if anyone has to shoulder the responsibility.

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@XS1100 wrote:
But this wasn't a kid, it was a 22yo man who deliberately broke into somebody's house and stole property with an utter contempt for the family concerned. ' loveable rogue' intimates nauseous little scrote, known to the police and with a string of petty convictions behind him. If he was 15-17, well heck, we all make mistakes, but he's had another five years to turn his life around and failed to do anything except carry on ruining other people's lives.
Not only am I glad he's dead, but his genetically challenged, web toed family should be made to pay for the damaged property and cost of the inquiry, perhaps by selling off their whippets, gag bikes and quads. Chav scum.

Sadly I've got to agree with this. When you've been burgled etc it changes your perspective. agree

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I've been burgled. They took the usual things like tv etc and even nicked my trainers BUT I still don't wish them dead, too simple as they're gone. As I've already said I wish a long and hard beating so they suffer and are alive enough to remember the pain they're gonna go through if they do it again.

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@haveugot1 wrote:
@XS1100 wrote:
But this wasn't a kid, it was a 22yo man who deliberately broke into somebody's house and stole property with an utter contempt for the family concerned. ' loveable rogue' intimates nauseous little scrote, known to the police and with a string of petty convictions behind him. If he was 15-17, well heck, we all make mistakes, but he's had another five years to turn his life around and failed to do anything except carry on ruining other people's lives.
Not only am I glad he's dead, but his genetically challenged, web toed family should be made to pay for the damaged property and cost of the inquiry, perhaps by selling off their whippets, gag bikes and quads. Chav scum.

Well said
i agree

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@XS1100 wrote:
But this wasn't a kid, it was a 22yo man who deliberately broke into somebody's house and stole property with an utter contempt for the family concerned. ' loveable rogue' intimates nauseous little scrote, known to the police and with a string of petty convictions behind him. If he was 15-17, well heck, we all make mistakes, but he's had another five years to turn his life around and failed to do anything except carry on ruining other people's lives.
Not only am I glad he's dead, but his genetically challenged, web toed family should be made to pay for the damaged property and cost of the inquiry, perhaps by selling off their whippets, gag bikes and quads. Chav scum.


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