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Do We Have The Right To Ask God For Dreams?

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This is a question that is rolling around my head during these wee hours in the morning. I've heard people say "ask God to show you in a dream". I've never asked God to show me anything in a dream before. In my mind, God has the right to reveal himself to me the way he so desires. I know the Bible says that we can call on the Lord and he will show us great and might things, but does that mean we can box him into showing us an answer in a dream?

This is meant to be a discussion question and not a debate. I'm not even sure if there is a right or wrong answer. I would like to hear from people who have asked God for dreams and you know without a shadow of a doubt that God did it. Is there anyone in the Bible that asked God for a dream and He did so?

Talk to me people!! flower

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Well since you asked...don't get mad when i or someone says something that you don't like.

i ABSOLUTELY have the right to ask God for dreams.

i say anything and everything that i want to God and no lightning bolts have ever fallen out of the sky on top of me for it.

i have the FREE WILL and RIGHT to do ANYTHING i want to....the effects withstanding.

is that the answer you wanted?

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Change...this is what I wrote in my original message...please pay attention...

This is meant to be a discussion question and not a debate. I'm not even sure if there is a right or wrong answer

Your smart/sarcastic tone is not what I'm interested in. This is merely a discussion question to get things poppin and to get us all interacting again. I don't get mad on these boards...I speak what I feel is truth, no matter who likes it. So your comment baffles me. If you would like to join in the discussion you are more than welcome. So I will say the same to you..."don't get mad when I or someone says something that YOU don't like"...here or anywhere else on this site.

Thank you very much for your input...let's keep it classy and move forward... flower


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Well, I think we do have a right to ask God for dreams. I know for me, God uses my dreams to speak to me or show me things.

When I'm seeking God about something I want Him to reveal to me, I ask Him to reveal it to me even if it He does it in a dream. Nine times out of ten, He does.

I mean, I don't think I would go as far as to say it's wrong to ask God to give us dreams because He does anyway. I don't recall anyone "asking" God to give them a dream in the bible but I really don't think there's anything wrong with it.

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Thanks V! I think where I'm going with this is...when I'm perplexed about something and I'm seeking God for his directions, should I "box" God in to answering me in a dream? I have a friend who is going through right now. She told me that she's asked God to show her the answer in a dream. So each morning she wakes up and doesn't have the dream, she's disappointed. I told her that if she's focused ONLY to hear God in a dream, then that's dangerous because he could be speaking to her on so many other fronts.

The scripture that came to my mind when I was discussing this with her was 1 Kings 19 about Elijah. He needed direction because he was in fear for his life. The Lord told him to go to the mountain...the wind came, but no direction...the fire came, but no direction...it came in a still soft voice. That scripture tells me that sometimes we expect God to move in a certain way, but he uses another way. It was after Elijah heard the still small voice that God told him where to go.

I know it's okay to ask God for a dream, but to ONLY expect him to answer in that way...should we be doing that?

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Oh, of course not! We can't limit God. He moves as He choose. You're exactly right. That's putting God in a box and we certainly do need to do that. It's almost as if we're saying, "God, I need to hear from you but the only way I will hear you is if you come to me in a dream."

Do you think your friend feels the only way he/she can hear from Him is through her dreams?

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She's in fear right now...EXTREME fear. She needs God to move in a BIG way and I think she is doubting her ability to hear him so if she can get it in her sleep then she feels she's more comfortable. I usually can hear God and give her a word, but NOTHING! I feeling like God wants her to hear only from Him.

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Fear is paralyzing her. If she needs God to move in a BIG way, she's going to have to exhibit BIG faith. Faith is what moves God.
I usually can hear God and give her a word,

I was going to ask you if she comes to you during times she needs to hear from God. (IDK why, I just felt she trusts you to hear from God on her behalf - especially through her dreams)
I think you may be right. This is something God wants to reveal to her Himself. She needs to calm down and put her faith to action at once. There may be something in her life (doesn't have to be sin or anything like that) that is blocking her from hearing Him. I had to go on a fast this week (the one I was telling you about) just so I could get to a point/place where I could hear Him. THAT and THAT ALONE was the purpose for my fast...just to hear Him when He speaks.

BTW, tell her to speak nothing negative about what she's seeking God for. Even if it seems that way, she should only speak the way it should be. "Speak those things that are not as though they are." Faith is dead to doubt. Faith is Dumb to discouragement. Faith is Blind to impossibilites. Faith knows nothing but success (my signature)!

Tell her to take the limits she has on Him and let Him move as He pleases. It's not her way but His way. It may seem petty but it is what it is and He will not allow any of us to put Him in a box. He wants to move on Her behalf. I can see him standing at the starting line waiting for the gun to go off...On your mark...get ready...set...GO... I see the baton thing-a-ma-jig in His hand which let's me know He wants to pass something to her. It's not a normal race...sprint or what have you. He has something in His hands to give to her but she HAS to take Him out of the box! In Jesus name...

Whew :whew: , I see it!!!!!!!!

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i still stand by what i said 100 %.

when you choose not to do something...you show you have no faith, which also limits god.

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:uhoh: im not sure we have ''rights'' as such,,god doesnt do committies or demockracys,,we can petition him ,,approch him in faith,,he honours his word ,,but u cant manipulate him by his word,,however ,,someone in relationship wiv him will hear his heart,one way or the other,,the means of communikation r up 2 him.. 👏 thumbs flower D

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This is such an interesting conversation. I have always felt I had the right to ask because I am his daughter. It is like having the right to ask your parents for anything. He has the right to say no....but I think we have the right to ask. He tells us....knock and the door will be open, seek and you will find. To me part of seeking and knocking is asking. So to me the answer is yes.

Love in Jesus,


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I'm in agreement with the comments above that we have the right to ask. The Bible tells us that we can ask for anything:

Matthew 18:19
“Again I say to you that if two of you agree on earth concerning anything that they ask, it will be done for them by My Father in heaven.

Matthew 21:22
And whatever things you ask in prayer, believing, you will receive.

Matthew 7:7
Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. 8 For everyone who asks receives, and he who seeks finds, and to him who knocks it will be opened.

James 4:2
You lust and do not have. You murder and covet and cannot obtain. You fight and war. Yet you do not have because you do not ask.

So I think it's established that we have the right to ask. HOWEVER, I do think that we have to be careful in how we ask Him to respond. That to me is limiting and God doesn't have to answer that part of a prayer. Often times He will because He is a gracious God, but He knows best and His ways are not our ways. Therefore, if in His omniscience, His decides the best way to bless us is different than what we requested, we should be thankful because He sees/knows things that we have no clue about (and may not in our lifetime). When He works, his blessings are woven in such a way as only He can do - there are other people/situations who are used in being a part of the blessing and/or the blessing often has far reaching impact to other people, areas, generations, etc. So an attempt to outline how God is to speak to us is to me a form of control/manipulation and limits God who cannot/will not be limited. Let's not attempt to box Him in (that's a futile effort anyway)...

Also, I think that we have the right to ask, but we also have to be careful that what we're asking is with a submittive heart that recognizes that what we ask may not line up with His will for our lives. He may not answer that prayer at least not in the way that we had originally hoped, He may work with us to show us why the prayer won't be answered whether it's because of something we need to do/not do or He may just take the desire out of our hearts. Again, He knows best and wants the best for us....

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I think we are all a little confused by the question.

I think Cholette is not questioning our ability or our right to ask God for anything. She's focusing on how we ask Him for something and only look for Him to answer us in a certain way. Therefore; leaving us out in left field when He is in right field.

It's not the asking, she's questioning.

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She's focusing on how we ask Him for something and only look for Him to answer us in a certain way. Therefore; leaving us out in left field when He is in right field.


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Oooooooohhhh!!!!!! lol!

Ok, well still the 2nd half of what I stated above still applies...I personally don't think it's a good idea to outline the way in which I would like Him to respond - actually, I've tried that with no success... lol! But I have asked Him that regardless of how He does it that it be in a way that I know could only come from Him...

Now having said all of that, God usually does show me things through dreams but I think that's because He has my undivided attention when I'm asleep (or in the 3am-5am timeframe when my mind is rested and cleared of the 'stuff' from the previous day He'll wake me and give me a revelation), when I'm awake it's easy for me to miss things because my schedule is usually very busy... tornado

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But I have asked Him that regardless of how He does it that it be in a way that I know could only come from Him...

I've done that too lola21st.

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Well, this is what I experienced when I prayed and asked God to show me something in my dreams...

He did answer me twice, but not in a dream. As a matter of fact, He even answered me the very next morning in an inaudible voice and through my friend. When I "heard" His answer, I was like okay without enthusiasm. But when He communicated thru my friend, I realized He had done so because I hadnt glorified Him.

I was so used to asking and hearing from God in one way and I became comfortable. Then when I didn't hear Him anymore, I realized He changed channels. He is always communicating with me and the more I've gotten to know Him, I have learned to recognize His voice through many methods.

I said all of this to say I think it's okay to ask God to communicate to us a certain way because sometimes He will grant our requests. However, we must not become discouraged and thin God is not responding to us because He has chosen another method of communication.

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Thank you, Dreamster.

Oh, Cholette, I know exactly what you're saying about God wanting your friend to hear from Him on her own accord.

I've been there. I depended on hearing from God through others, but God nipped that in the bud. God needed me to depend solely on Him and have complete FAITH in Him. My faith has truly increased. It has increased so much that I hardly ever post my dreams because God always reveals my dreams in His timing-- sometimes immediately and other times not (please understand that this is how God has dealt with me personally and I'm not discouraging posting your dreams). It's just that for me, before I always sought to hear from God through others instead of trusting and having faith in God to hear from Him on my own.

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THANK YOU Celesitial One!!!! Those are exactly my thoughts. If we are waiting for God to come one way...like my interpretation of what Elijah did...we can miss Him. I too, don't have a problem with asking God to show me something in a dream, even though I haven't done that yet, but to do that as the only means to hear from God is forcing God's hand. He is a SOVEREIGN God and He can communicate any way he desires. He knows us...he knows the way to properly communicate with us in HIS TIME! It may NOT be in a dream...when we want to dream it...it may not be in whatever way we desire for it to be, but the main thing is that we trust Him to answer no matter WHICH way he chooses.

Thank you Jesus!!!

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...but the main thing is that we trust Him to answer no matter WHICH way he chooses.

Amen! Flower Power

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I believe we can ask God to show us in our dreams. I've asked so many times and only once has he shown me. I assumed it was because he didn't want to show me but that one time he did. And boy, did he show me loud and clear.

I wanted to make sure that where I wanted to go was allowed and God showed me that very night that it was NO-GO area!!!

I'm so grateful!

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Hi all, i agree with the theological concept of a right to hear God as sons and daughters, but no right to force Him to speak to us in a particular way, thats where i agree with dreamster, we need to have the right attitude, in humility we can request it, i will never forget this story, a prophet wanted to hear if he should fast for 40 days, a direct message, from God, should he or shouldnt he, he was travel from one place to another, at the train station a drunk hobo comes up to him and says Jesus fasted 40 days....needless to say the prophet was mad with God...Lord please dont send a hobo to speak to me, we dream every night so God is speaking...we need to learn to write it down fast before the ink fades off the page of our minds...one could start by repenting for not hearing God, repentance to me is a key, i have learnt God has no issues and He is perfect, if any one needs to change its going to be me, my opinion is you have the right to request a dream, a friend of mine asked God for everything through dreams its the primary way He hears God, we will all have a way of hearing God and He will use that way most of the time, being around the Daniel and Joseph anointing you will dream more, i have found that over the last few weeks....blessings martin e

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I wouldn't be here if I didn't ask to hear in dreams.
But I feel everything we ask is in ignorance, I feel we get a free pass on a lot of things just because we don't know.
He isn't speaking to use in different ways to spite us, he is doing it to say "listen to me when I speak this way too"

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im not sure we have ''rights'' as such,,god doesnt do committies or demockracys,,we can petition him ,,approch him in faith

Dreamz...this is my point...I think we sometimes feel we have a right to ask God to do this or do that. Asking him is one thing, but asking him and expecting him to come only in that way is another thing. GOOD POINT.

we need to have the right attitude, in humility we can request it

Martin of Africa...the attitude plays a HUGE part and I think that's why my friend hasn't heard from God in a dream. She's frustrated with God right now because of the things she's going through Because of this, she has the attitude that says "answer me, or else". There's nothing humbled about that.

"listen to me when I speak this way too"

Right on TF!!! By the way...it's good seeing you around again.

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Hello Cholette!

I think that we kind of limit God when we expect Him to move "only" in a certain way. The Bible says: James 1:5-7, "If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him. 6 But let him ask in faith, nothing wavering. For he that wavereth is like a wave of the sea driven with the wind and tossed. 7 For let not that man think that he shall receive any thing of the Lord." So we are to pray for wisdom and revelation. However, I think it's dangerous to only be able to receive it from the Lord in a specific way. I know that when I'm praying for revelation on some things a dream is not always the best way for the answer to come. Dreams have to be interpreted and understood, and that's not always easy. I have found that even when God gives me a dream, I need scriptural backing before I can act on that dream and really trust what I've seen and know that I can stand in faith about it and it will come to pass. The Word of God is where we get faith...so whatever way God speaks to us we are going to have to have His Word on it in order to stand in faith about it. Dreams are so easy to misinterpret and misunderstand. If you can't hear from God when you are awake, how are you going to hear from Him on the interpretation of the dream He gives you?

As for your friend, I have found that when I'm in fear over something I simply cannot hear from God. And, I've found that even the friends that are close to me who usually hear from God and encourage me, don't get anything either. Why? I'm not releasing any faith! Jesus said it so many times when He was on the earth, "Be it done unto you according to your faith!" The above scripture says, "let him ask in faith -- nothing wavering -- for let not the man who doubts think he'll receive anything from the Lord." In times when I'm needing to hear from God, I have to get out of the "stress zone" and into the "faith zone" and begin trusting God before I ever hear anything from the Lord through a dream or otherwise. In fact, I have used the above scripture about asking God for wisdom to "get into faith". I'll stand on that scripture and say, "Lord, you told me to ask for wisdom and that You'd give it to me, and not rebuke me for it, so I'm asking and I believe I receive it!" It doesn't always come the same day, or the same night, but IT ALWAYS COMES! He comes through every single time. So I think you're right! It's dangerous to only expect God to speak to you through dreams. Even when you have a dream, you need scriptural backing and you need the interpretation. How are you going to get them if you can't hear the still small voice of the Lord when you're awake?

What a great discussion! This one really made me think. Thanks for starting it Cholette!

Blessings, huggins

Sandra Dee

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I admire that about you the most, Sandra. You always come to the table with the "MEAT" (The Word )!

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Thanks, V! Flower Power

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Thanks Sandra Dee...

That was the point of starting this thread. We limit God when we say "I need for you to show me in a dream". Like you said, our dreams need to be interpreted and even then, if you can't hear him when you are awake, how are you going to hear him when he gives you the illumination regarding your dream?

I really don't know why God shows us dreams at times and not in others. I love receiving dreams from the Lord, but I enjoy hearing him speak to my heart even more. I love to be sitting somewhere and all of a sudden, hear his voice...ooohhhhh it makes me so happy. Just the other day, I packing my dishes in boxes and I bent over to pick up some newspaper to wrap them in and I heard the Lord say "before you leave, pronounce a blessing over this place"...WOW!! It came out of no where. All I could say was "yes Lord"...so my final day in my apartment, after everything was moved out, I walked that floor and prayed a blessing over the place. Only God knows why He wanted me to do that.

I said all of that to say this...HEARING HIM speak to our hearts should be the most desired way. I know he longs to have dialogues with us...but most times we do the monologue thing. Asking for dreams, in my opinion, is dangerous because I do know that there are "soulish" dreams and those can be crazy.

Anyway...thank you for keeping this going...I love when we chat! flower

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You are so right, Cholette! The whole soulish dream thing is the reason I think it's so important that we have scriptural backing before following any dream. I've also had "deceptive dreams". Dreams that were completely contrary to God's Word and things He had outright told me according to scripture while awake. I'm so thankful for the protection of God's Word, and the leading of His Spirit!

I also agree that when we don't learn to hear God's still small voice, we are missing out on the best part of the Christian walk -- fellowship with Jesus! I enjoy the dreams God gives me, and I'm so thankful for them. But my favorite is when He just outright talks to me. I love hearing His voice, and it requires no interpretation! lol!

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I said all of that to say this...HEARING HIM speak to our hearts should be the most desired way. I know he longs to have dialogues with us...but most times we do the monologue thing. Asking for dreams, in my opinion, is dangerous because I do know that there are "soulish" dreams and those can be crazy.

I also agree that when we don't learn to hear God's still small voice, we are missing out on the best part of the Christian walk -- fellowship with Jesus! I enjoy the dreams God gives me, and I'm so thankful for them. But my favorite is when He just outright talks to me. I love hearing His voice, and it requires no interpretation! lol!


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I second the Amen!!! You are so right Santra Dee...His voice does NOT require interpretation...it is what it is!!! flower

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hi all, i must say that what has happened to my step son is nothing short of a miracle, he gets dream after dream, the latest was he must read the word, he just received three of those, God has take him from being luke warm to being on fire, we can only shout Praise the Lord, God is speaking to us all the time if we are in right relationship with Him, God can never be silent when we are in right relationship with Him, He is after all 24/7 and know no limits, He cannot be contained or limited in any way, ….Is 57:15 I dwell in the high and holy place, but with him also who is of a thoroughly penitent and humble spirit, to revive the spirit of the humble and to revive the heart of the thoroughly penitent [bruised with sorrow for sin]….my advice to the friend is spend a few minutes acknowledging her faults ( sin) before bed time and then trust God for the rest…

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God can never be silent when we are in right relationship with Him, He is after all 24/7 and know no limits, He cannot be contained or limited in any way


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