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Baby is born 11th hour answer to prayer

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Thank you for your prayers. I went to the hospital in the am was 5 cm dilated and contractions were 5 minutes apart.
I tried to do everything right-avoid pain drugs, use a birthing ball, walking and do what the dr said-allow her to beak the water, use pitocin to help things along.
I asked for an epidural at 7 pm and was in labor for 14 hours when they started to see the baby was stuck.They also realized she was bigger than anyone thought.I was given 1/2 an hour to move the baby or have a c-section.
3 angels my friends Lisa Sophie and Christine were in the room and prayed for me
God sent a nurse who agreed to change my postion -dr didnt want to do that. And when I did I felt the baby move and I was able to feel where to push and she was born at 11:25 pm They were going to do a csection at 11:30!
Glory to God!

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Praise God - what a lovely testimony! Congratulations on your beautiful baby!

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Look what the Lord has done!!!!! Glory to God!!!!! COngratulations and welcome to the world Marie Joy!!

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HalleluJah! Glory To God and Blessed be his name for ever!
I rejoice in the Lord for He is faithful as He promised
Blessed be your house,,
Blessed be Jenny Maria Joy I know she will touch deeply the heart of his father.
Blessed be the Lord that does marvelous things.
Blessed be our Lord Jesus that restored for us our inheretance!
May the Lord Bless You and Keep You!

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Praise you Lord for your wonderful works! This is the new day of the life of another of Gods most precious children! Glory to God in the highest!


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Praise God! Congratulations on your new addition to the family! That is wonderful! AHhhhhhhh, I want another one...NOT! I'll just play with everyone else's. She is truly a blessing.

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Thanks be to God!

Father, we thank You that Maria Joy entered the world safely and without any major intervention! Thank You for another marvelous work, You are awesome and worthy to be praised! Thank You for the plans that You have for her! We give You the glory now and forever! in Jesus' name, Amen!

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