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No weapon forged against me shall prosper!

Devil you are a liar and the father of all lies! You are indeed a defeated foe! God will protect me. He has given His angels charge over me and He places His shield (hedge) of protection around me and my children EVERY morning! Devil, you have just set me up for a blessing!!!!!!!!!!!!!! God, I thank you for life. I speak life into every situation and every area that "looks" dead to the natural eye! I call forth miracles, signs and wonders to MANIFEST even now, Lord. God, hasten your word. Robe me in righteousness. Saturate me in your glory from the crown of my head to the soul of my feet. Thank you Jesus!!!!!!!!

Fellow dreamers,
I just had to get that out. The devil tried to kill me this morning! I was on my way to work. I had to stop and put some water in my car because I noticed the temperature hand was close to the H. There was a little smoke coming out. After I put the water in, I headed on to work. I didn't make it 10 miles when the car didn't want to pull and eventually cut off. I coasted onto the shoulder. I tried to crank it back up but it wouldn't say anything. I saw smoke coming from under the hood. I called a co-worker (who travels the same way) to see if he had made it to work or if he was in the area. He told me he would turn around and come get me. After I got off the phone with him, I called the man I let fix on my car. I told him what had just happened and asked him if he could come pick the car up. As I was talking to him (I'm still sitting in the car), MORE and MORE smoke started coming from under the hood. I told him something was happening because I was seeing TOO MUCH smoke. Next thing I know, the car burst into FLAMES! I quickly grabbed my bags, jumped out of the car and started running. All I could think of was, "This car is about to blow up. Am I going to make it far enough that I won't get caught up if this car blows? My kids? My family?" Everything was going through my mind.

My car is on fire, I'm running for my life and guess what? No one stops. These people are just driving past me!? I couldn't believe it. I'm crying...scared to death standing on the side of the road and these people are driving past me - No one is stopping!? As I was running, I noticed a sheriffs car coming to help. He asked me if I was okay and if I was the only person in the car. Thank God, it was only me. He got the fire extinguisher to put the fire out. It would die out and come up again. He called the fire department to make sure it was completely out. He had to stop traffic for about 20 minutes.

I'm okay and I wasn't hurt but it took me coming to work and one of my co-workers (a minister) to open my eyes to what had just happened. He asked me if I was praying. I told him what had happened and he went to praising God. I'm like, "WHAT?!" He asked me if I was hurt. I said no. He asked me if the kids still have their mother. I said yes. He asked me if I was in the car when it burst into flames. I said yes. He asked me if I was still alive. I said yes. He said the enemy is after you so rejoice. He said do you have insurance. I said yes. He said, "That sounds like a new car to me!"

I thank God for saving my life and proving, once again, how He is MY (I have to make this personal this morning) SAVIOR and MY PROTECTOR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Not to mention the fact I NEED another car!!!!!!!!!!

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Praise God girl!!! I've seen it happen time and time again...God turning something that "appears" so negative into something that brings glory to his name and provides for his children.

I'm rejoicing with you that you were able to get out of the car and that your children weren't in the car with you!!!!!!

I had a friend that was behind on her rent and needed money to pay her upcoming rent. We were at Bible Study one night and as we were pulling out of the parking lot and headed to the light on the corner, this truck rear ended her. To make a long story short, the amount of money that the insurance company paid her was enough for BOTH rent months!!! Not to mention that her car wasn't really damaged...hehehe...go figure THAT one out!!

Go get your car girl!! The Lord is good! You may be able to pocket that money you were talking about that was going to help you purchase your car in the near future.

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Yippeeeee! I just got off the phone with my insurance claim adjuster. She told me I have a $500 deductible that is WAIVED because of the fire. I don't have to pay it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! She said if the car is totaled, they would pay it off. If it can be repaired, they will repair it with no out-of-pocket money from me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

She said she knows it will be a total, but she can't say it. The auto damage adjuster has to officially report it as totaled!!!!!!!!!!!

Yes...I'm going to get my car!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Praise God!!!!!!!!!....Glad you are ok and not hurt, but it alters everything when your life is in danger like that........How good that you went home to your family tonight......amen

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I'm rejoicing with u with all of my heart and soul! See how good the Lord is to u, He turned ur mourning into dancing!!!!

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I loved this so much....I read it again...Praise God He is my High Tower. A fortress over me beautiful and mighty.

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