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Listen to the Holy Spirit's promptings!

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I had something happen recently that I wanted to share as a testimony of how important it is to listen to the Holy Spirit within you....

Several months ago, I had a major problem with my laptop and it wouldn't launch anymore. A friend of a friend has a computer sales/repair business so I gave him the computer so that he could repair it. The only problem is that I forgot that he approaches his business as if it were a hobby...long story short, he had my laptop for several months and still hadn't fixed it. Now part of it of course is my responsibility because I got really busy and stopped following up with him. Before I knew it, four months had passed by. But at some point, I remembered that he still hadn't fixed it and something told me it was time to get the computer. At first it was just common sense, it shouldn't take so long to repair a computer but a sense of urgency started to come on me about it. At one point, the Holy Spirit told me that I needed to get the laptop back by the end of the week. It took a lot of nagging (at one point, I wondered if he was holding my laptop hostage... ), but I was able to get it back a little bit past the the week timeframe.

But here is the lesson of why it's important to follow the prompting of the Holy Spirit. A couple of weeks later, my friend called me to tell me that it was a good thing that I was so persistent about getting my laptop. It turned out that someone broke into our friend's business and stole all of the computers that were in the store! Not only that, my friend had no liability insurance so he was now personally liable to all of the customers whose computers were stolen. My laptop has years of photos and various files that would've been almost completely lost (I didn't consistently back up the files...new project now). As it turned out, I ended up taking it to a repair shop in my area and it was fixed (files intact) within a few days. But the thought of what could've happened makes me shudder....I give thanks to God for forewarning me and protecting me!

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Praise God Lurdys. Once again, the love He has for us continues to amaze me.

Thank you for sharing this.

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Praise God!!
I had something similar happen to me when it was a close call with my computer. It prompted me to copy ALL my photo's to disc.

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Wow Lola, thank you for sharing that! God has been working on me with distinguishing his voice from all the others that go on in my head. I generally don't trust the thoughts in my head and more often than not won't listen to those gut feelings, every single time I have ignored or misunderstood them something bad has happened!

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I hear you hindsfeet, I have doubted myself.....but I've learned to listen to my "gut feelings" But now I say those gut feelings is the Holy Spirit. I want so bad to get to the place when I Know, that I know that I know...its the Holy Spirit.

Lola I love that the Holy Spirit has our back even in the things that seem so little in our lives.

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Amen, Angelwings!

That gut feeling IS the Holy Spirit! I'm not "there" either, but I will say that I've learned now to trust that inner voice. As you begin to trust the voice and submit to It, knowing that it's God, He will show you so much because He knows He has your attention and that you're obedient to His instructions. It also gives me a confidence, knowing that the Holy Spirit really is with me wherever I go and will guide me in EVERYTHING, no matter how small/insignificant it may seem. I can operate in His will (and not my own) because I know that He sees everything and wants the absolute best for me. Anything that is not of His will, He'll handle - I really don't have to worry about it. There is no better peace than that!

God is like no other, He is awesome and worthy to be praised! Hallelujah!!

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That is so true Lola. Thank God for his intervention and thanks for telling us your experience with the Holy Spirit.

Love in Jesus,


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This is really amazing, thanks for posting!
I have recently had a dream with a laptop - I passed by a laptop which was broken and on the ground in the street. I didn't pay attention to it but came back to check it. It was like my laptop but black. So I thought that it was not mine and went away.
Couple of days later my dad's laptop went down, praise God we managed to save the info and he has been using mine since. And I thougth that I need to protect info from my laptop just incase. And yesterday I noticed that my laptop was not in good condition, showing some kind of error all the time. But praise God, all the info is safe!

Lola, I remember as I read your post couple of weeks ago and I thought that I need to resave all the files from the laptops but didn't. Only after one laptop went down, I kind of sobered :))) PRAISE GOD, HE IS GOOD ALL THE TIME!

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