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prayer for healing

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pain in hands feet knees hips both sides out of nowhere
Possibly food allergy?
I am seeking God for balance -college-I am a bit behind
work-is winding down it has been my main priority!
family-be a prov 31 mom and wife! thank you!

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This sounds like rheumatoid arthritis of some kiind... get it checked out asap! Food intolerance does not cause those symtoms.

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I got a B in my class! Praise God! I have a lot of work college andwoprk tried to withdraw but was too late
i am still feeling dizzy -went to healing ministry a man there said -it is a problem with my ear and eye and spinal fluid. God can fix it whatever it is!
Trusting Him

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Lord I pray for my sister as she is so ill, I pray Lord that you touch with your healing hands, it is written that with your stripes we are healed. There must be a reason as to why she is still here, she was in her worst state 3 days back and you brought her back you promised her that she will not die. So why do we fear what we see, why are you so downcast o my soul why so disturbed within me I pray for God's continued mercy I pray for HIs faithfulness I pray for His everlasting Love I pray for His goodness upon our lives, I shall speak of this that are not as though they were I will speak live to every dry bones in our valley because Father I know that you are not a man that you should lie i will hold on to your promises to go on through it with faith for I know you have already spoken to this fierce storm you have put an end to its rage hence we say that we live by faith and not by sight. Hope in the Lord of my souls for I shall yet praise Him as my Lord and saviour. Jesus thank you for what you are about to do, I know I can rely on you you are my everlasting father. praying

oh and by the way Lord you rock

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