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Poverty is defeated in my life! I call it inti existence

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we have fought lack for years
I am very frugal
we get food stamps but dont want this to always be the case
we now tithe to our church
and also give to ministries and people
I am asking for prayer that it is done!
my husband has an ongoing job now and I think this may be it
the end of poverty thumbs

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I agree with you!

Don't stop praying! Like the unjust judge scripture, keep asking! You have not because you ask not. I figure if I have not because I ask not, I am going to KEEP ON ASKING until there is no 'NOT' left in my life.

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This reminds me of a prophetic word that God gave me that is sooooooooooo good:

Oh Church….

I see your hearts crying out for my presence. I feel your desire to be in the
fullness of me.

Breakthrough…breakthrough….breakthrough the barrier. Break through the

I have already provided you …..

Worship me, church. For I inhabit the praises of my people. Everything you
need can be found at my feet. Come and worship. You will be full, for I will fill you
with my presence. In my presence there is fullness of joy.

Worship me. Let me be your God and you will be my people. Be my people and
I will provide my covenant blessings for you. Know what it is to serve God.
Learn what it is to worship.

Worship me with all your heart and your soul and your mind, and I will provide you
with all fullness of joy. You will not lack. You will not be empty. I declare it to you
this day. My promises are from forever to forever. Turn to me and I will give you
rest. I will give you comfort. I will be your joy and your salvation. I am your rock.

Do not fear when you are weak for I AM your tower of strength. Don’t fear when
you don’t have enough because I am your provider. Don’t fear what man may do

No man may snatch you out of my hand. My arm is not too short to bring
salvation. I will be your salvation. I will be your everything in times of trouble. I

You cannot be in my presence and walk away empty. You cannot sit at the feet
of God and not receive. Worship me! For everything you need is here at my feet.

These are my promises to you.


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Ditto that. There is never lack because our God is a God who provides for everything. Ask and ye shall receive. Give and it will be given unto you good measure, pressed down, and running over, for by the measure in which you give it will also be given unto you. Not the exact scripture but close. Jesus said that he would provide for all our needs according to his riches and glory. Stand on the word and remind yourself of it. I will stand in agreement with you.

Love in Jesus,


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In Jesus name I agree with newleaf that lack and poverty is NO More in their life or their families. In JESUS NAME I come against that poverty spirit and mentality and claim your wealth for their life. You came Jesus that we may have life and life more abundant. It is your will that we may prosper and be in health even as our soul prospers. Lord thankyou for your healing over finances in your name! Amen

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I happy for you Newleaf. i rejoice with you as God did it for you and continue to do..may i also experience financial rest in my family. this is my seed.

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