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Where does the tithe go

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Someone i know is tithing to a poor family-not the church. Is this ok with God?Just wondering...I heard a radio pastor say today i dont care where you give but give God ten percent. thanks!

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I'm sure it's ok with God, just not sure it's ok with her pastor! lol! :joking:

This is my personal opinion, not based on a study of the Word nor a study of biblical scholars' perspective on the topic, nor what's considered 'appropriate' practice, and I'm sure there will be a lot of other opinions. In the Bible Jesus met the needs of the people regardless of the Church practice, e.g., he healed a man's hand on the Sabbath and the Disciples picked wheat on the Sabbath. So to me there's a precedent.

Having said that, I do believe that the tithe is meant for the church - as a means of taking care of the church's needs, everything from pastoral care to church bills (someone has to pay for rent/mortgage, gas/electric, property maintenance, etc.) to church staff payroll to church programs (i.e., community programs, partnerships with other churches/agencies/community groups, missions, etc.) to benevolent care. So while tithing to an individual family is ok to me if one really feels a leading of the Lord to do so, I personally don't think it's the best approach over the long term. I don't know the particulars of your friend's situation so can't really comment (i.e, are they other members of the church, are they personal friends/family, did they just meet them off the street, etc.). Nor do I know what support her church could offer the family. My church is blessed to have a strong benevolent care program and relationships with community care agencies so if in the same shoes, I would be more apt to invite the family into the church care programs so that they can benefit from the resources available (e.g., immediate cash needs like rent/food, job search assistance, child care, health care, counseling, etc.) and allow the church body to love on them and then i'd give them money or something else if/when the Lord leads me to do so. If the family suffers from a dysfunction (that she might be ill equipped to handle independently), then the church might be in a better position to address it. But this is just my opinion - and I don't want to minimize the fact that your friend is doing something extraordinary by helping these people out. flower thumbs

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I would say that giving to those in need is an acceptable tithe. The Lord understands that sometimes there is a need for others outside the church. I agree with Lola though, we should give to the church but there will be times when the Lord asks us to tithe in a different manner. It is ultimately between the tither/giver and the Lord. Do what he places on your heart to do. Do it cheerfully and know that God is pleased.

Love in Jesus,


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It is ultimately between the tither/giver and the Lord. Do what he places on your heart to do. Do it cheerfully and know that God is pleased.


Thanks kellsy2004!

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Having said that, I do believe that the tithe is meant for the church - as a means of taking care of the church's needs, everything from pastoral care to church bills (someone has to pay for rent/mortgage, gas/electric, property maintenance, etc.) to church staff payroll to church programs (i.e., community programs, partnerships with other churches/agencies/community groups, missions, etc.) to benevolent care.

I totally agree with this statement. In my opinion, the tithes belongs to God and shouldn't be used elsewhere. I would consider what your friend is doing is more of an offering...sowing a seed into the life of the poor family. THAT should be done in addition to the tithes and not replacing the tithes.

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I want to share a personal experience of how God spoke to me that goes along these same lines…

I think it was in 2002; even though I tithe throughout the year, God told me to tithe my income tax as well (He didn’t use a prophet, my Pastor, anyone – He told me directly). The first of every year, the members of my church make a pledge off of our income tax returns as an offering towards the building fund (prayerfully praying, our new sanctuary will go up this year! woo hoo)

As we began to make our pledges, I would always pledge what I was tithing. This happened for about 2 years. The third year after I pledged, God told me I was/had been pledging my tithes as an offering and not to do it again. Last year, I didn’t pledge at all. I get a good return every year and tithing off of that is no small change and I felt like that should be enough. Well, that’s not the right attitude/spirit (I’m speaking about me). God has shown me parts of the vision He has given my Pastor concerning our ministry and if I want to be a part of it, I have to help carry it out. This year, I made a pledge but it is in addition to my tithes.

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Tithes were also meant to be given to the poor. They were annual tithes and every third year they were meant to go to the poor. The first Gentile that was saved was noted out among all the others because of his many prayers and giving to the poor (called Alms).

I believe this is what God WANTS us to do.

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