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need a miracle

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I am praying for past five years for my education and till now i am empty handed.

god in a dream showed me i got it.

when i went to take it my stream of choice was not available, it was already taken up.

so i had to take something else which i dont want to.

i told the institution that i will surender it. they said come back to us on 30th may, but chances are almost nil that you will get it.

i was shattered and again prayed and lord showed me steps leading up.

recently an unbeliever friend i had whom i lost contact 5 yrs ago mailed me saying he saw me in a dream pursuing higher education exactly in the field i wanted to.
he actually doesnt even know that i was wanting that field.

i dont know what to do. all my contemporaries have finished studying and doing jobs.


I have people dependent on me i dont know what to do.

please pray that somehow god does a miracle for me and save me


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Hello Danny,

The wonderful thing about God is that He LOVES to work miracles however, He can't do it because no one is really ready to believe that he can. As I was reading your prayer request I realized that everything that you were recanting was about what everyone else was saying, but you only mentioned your dream in relation to what God was saying to you. God assured you in a dream that this area would open to you and then He sent someone else to confirm it, yet you are shaken by what it looks like and based on what the institution has told you.

God can altar an entire program in the institution just for you. If this is the area that God has for you then your gift will make from for you...but you have to believe that. Trust in what God has shown you and trust in the confirmation he sent. The only thing I would focus in on right now is the timing. I know you are looking at the others around you who have finished and gone on, but you have to not pay attention to them and run your own race. Locate your goal, put your peripheral blinders on and press toward the mark.

I will be in agreement with you, as I know others will who read this, but understand that God is ready, but is looking for faith. Ask Him for peace as you wait for him to graciously open the door for you. In the meantime relax knowing that the Chief Strategist of your life is in control and he is aligning things so they can happen at the proper time.

Interceding for you... praying

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Hi Dan,

just want to add my thoughts here.

The word of God says.

Psa 37:4 Delight thyself also in the LORD; and he will give thee the desires of thy heart.
Psa 37:5 Commit thy way to the LORD; trust also in him; and he will bring it to pass.

Nothing is impossible with God. If you are worried because you are in need finacially, remember that God has endless ways to provide for you. If you think that having a higher education may solve your financial issues, God can provide that for you.

My point is we just can't limit God by our own ways that we think may be right. It seems to me, (correct me if i'm wrong) that you want study to get a better job. That's perfectly okay. But remember that His ways is higher than our ways.

Lord God Almighty, I pray for my brother that you would grant the desire of his heart. Show him what he needs to do and give him the right heart to do it. Thank you Lord because you will never leave him nor forasake him, in your name I pray.


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Joining Owen to pray....AMEN!!!
I agree with Owen, Danny, what looks like a closed door is just a way for us to gaze at the windows He has open for us. I have seen in this in my life, over and over.

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I am continuing to pray for you. YES put your faith in that God shared with you in a dream that you got it. Pray for the sensitivity to follow the Holy Spirit on this mission. I believe in my heart if you are persistant-God will show you new things....truths you may not have seen before. God Bless

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danny wrote:
I am praying for past five years for my education and till now i am empty handed.

god in a dream showed me i got it.

i was shattered and again prayed and lord showed me steps leading up.

Time to Climb Danny -smiles-

Father there is no mountain too high that will not fall at the command of thy voice, open doors so Dannys eyes will see thy will in his life. The steps of a goodman are ordered by the lord he delighteth in his way. Though he fall he shall not be cast down for the lord upholdeth him in his hands. Take that leap of faith for with it God is able, be blessed in the name of Jesus we ask, Amen. woo hoo

happy dance Glory Be To God happy dance

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