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What are your thoughts on alcohol

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Hi all,

Just wanted to see what your thoughts are on believers drinking alcohol?
( I dont mean getting drunk, going to bars to get drunk etc...that's obviously a No)

I just mean drinking wine for dinner or light drinks like a sangria w/dinner etc...

I heard a pastor once preach that we should not drink at all. Not even a sip of wine. So i was wondering what everyone's biblical opinion was?

Love to hear thoughts Bless You

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i think as you say is fine,paul said to timothy take some wine 4 ur tummy sakes,also romans 14;14,,:donut: ,,,,,,,,,,sweet dreams 2 um room service,, lol! 

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I'm of the same opinion as D.

I, personally, don't drink...but that's because I don't like the taste of alcohol (I can taste it in anything). I've never seen anything wrong with it if it doesn't impair your judgment.

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I agree with you guys. I personally wouldn't drink it when I'm 21, even socially, because I fear I will use it to harm myself. It depends on what stage I am in my recovery.

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thanks for sharing ur thoughts Dee, WhiteShadow, Jasmine...

I agree w/ you guys.. i wonder though about the state of light-headedness? 

for ex what if someone had 1 or 2 drnks & thy felt a little buzz b/c they are not use to it.?  Is that wrong then?

Also, what if you are w/unbelievers having dinner... is it wrong b/c you are to set an example?:donut:

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SisterinChrist wrote:
Also, what if you are w/unbelievers having dinner... is it wrong b/c you are to set an example?

This is one where you should be led by the Spirit in each situation. If your drinking alcohol causes others to sin (by making a judgment), then it's better that you don't in that instance. If they accept it and understand that you aren't sinning by doing so, then you're in a situation where you can drink it with others.

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thanks White Shadow... !
Im not a drinker really was just curious on Christian thoughts on it.

I agree w/being led by the spirit regarding these matters also..


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Just my thoughts; I have never drank alcohol, never wanted to. But when my husband & I youth pastored we were asked this question all the time by the teens. We always referred it back to being what Paul referred to as a stumbling block to weaker Christians. I have, sadly, in the last few years, saw this happen in real life. My oldest brother, who, with his wife, used to be a strong member of his church, served in several areas including putting together groups of men to go overseas and build churches for missionaries, was influenced by some friends that it was okay to have wine, etc. They began drinking socially, then they began buying it for when friends came over, then they just bought it for themselves. Now they have to have it before they can sleep at night. They go to the bars every weekend with these same "friends" and their church attendance has trickled down to one or two Sunday morning services, where they don't serve, just attend. Their children, who were all saved and doing well are now living a very much "party" lifestyle, living with their boyfriend/girlfriends, and the youngest daughter is rebelling, moving out and is now professing to be a lesbian.
I cannot help think that if they would have not started the social drinking, their kids wouldn't be in the mess they are today and there would be a few more new churches on the mission field.
Just my thoughts on the subject.

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Hi exco..thanks so much for sharing this testimony.... intersting you knwo today my pastor in church 'felt led' to talk about alcohol as well.. he started talking about how his father was an alcoholic..& it took just 1 drink to get started...  he said 'oh pls u think 1 glass of wine is harmless etc..' it really hit me..
He even said he felt that someone needed to hear this..

im sure so many Christians go through this questioning God about 1 glass of wine..is it really bad... sometimes it does lead other's to sin ....  its true it only takes 1 to get started...

im sorry to hear about your brother & his family.. thats just terrible. I hope God breaks through with them.. & calls them back bandaid

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I pray that for them all the time. Just hope their real life story helps someone. I think in our world today, too many things that believers would never have considered are now becoming "okay". But we are called to be salt and light, and if we allow ourselves to become like the world, then we become useless for the gospel.

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I drink occasionally, but it's only wine with dinner.  I don't have alcohol in my home, nor is it the first thing I think about when I'm going to have dinner.  

I don't agree with drinking in front of people who have a problem with me drinking because it can be a stumbling block for them and the relationship.  I also don't believe in drinking in front of people who knowingly had or have a problem with alcohol.

I do believe in what Paul says..."All things are lawful for me, but not all things are helpful; all things are lawful for me, but not all things edify. 1 Cor 10:23

Just because we can, doesn't mean that we should.  The Bible is unclear on a lot of specific things that people have questions about, but this scripture pretty much covers everything.

As I said, I do drink an occasional glass of wine...but it's for myself and not to get a buzz...it's not in front of those who have an issue.  The Bible says when you do that, you are not operating in love.

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yes thats true,, i guess thers alotta ppl not walkin in love , but jus pleaseing themslves, nerd ,,which is perhaps a more serious issue wen all said an dun, scratching chin 

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