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what will you do with your 4999's

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With the new changes in ps our items formerly known as "4999's" is now reselling for 2499

PF has allowed us a period to resell it back for 4999

Below is the guideline with the dates :
12 March - 25 March : In store, 7500Coins and resell for 2499
25 March - 08 April : Not In store resell for 4999
08 April - ............ : Not In store resell for 2999

So when the time comes will you resell or keep your items?

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I haven't made up my mind yet .... PF seems to change their mind so often, I would hate to sell them and then in six months their worth go back up .... Of course I only have a few, so it doesn't really matter too much ....

Although all the decisions that PF seems to make makes everything lose value ....

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4999's hv been used in trading for quite some time and massive in amount... so maybe i sell them a few and i'll cash some Sad

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oh wow, why is PS even lowering the value of 4999's anyway?

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It seems to me that PS are trying to kill the trading forums Sad

They have removed majarity of 999's from the boxes, so people dont have huge amounts to trade now, and not they are messing with the prices of the 4999's Sad

bang goes the rares as no one will be able to afford the big prices Sad

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i agree with u lea!!!!!!!!!!!dont know what to do with mine 4999s!!!!!omg hate playfish!!!!!btw prices are so high and being increased and 999s removed

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and are they gonna bee new 15,000 item aftes april 8? i think it is to soon to know anyways... i think i'll sell half on march 25 and keep the other half to make trades later on...

if its true that playfish wants to kill the trade forum, why is that? i mean we are not making any kind of damage with our trades, instead they should make more security measures

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Perhaps it would be best to re-sell some of the 4999s during the period that it will sell at its orig price, and keep some in inventory as a safety measure. there is always the danger of course that the 4999s will lose their value as a trading currency like the orig jukes and lips, which had a value of 3 x 4999s each before the trading prices crashed.

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Fálcor wrote:
and are they gonna bee new 15,000 item aftes april 8? i think it is to soon to know anyways... i think i'll sell half on march 25 and keep the other half to make trades later on...

if its true that playfish wants to kill the trade forum, why is that? i mean we are not making any kind of damage with our trades, instead they should make more security measures

It isnt up to the game developers to come up with new currency, but to the traders. Up to this day, 20k items have not been released to replace the old jukes and lips, which were used as currency for trading before the beds and bubble chairs.

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i will keep mine up 2 now!!!!! to be honest i sold 2 so as to add money to my account so as to buy the new throne!!!!!!i had nerves cause i dont have many 999s and that i have are rare so dont want to trade with them

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OMG i think the bad economy also hit PS....
just kidding

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I can't sell it now , beacuse it is sold for 2499 Sad

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Fálcor wrote:
OMG i think the bad economy also hit PS....
just kidding

u r right!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!im from greece and have soooooooooooo bad economy !!!!!!!!!do u know that????

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esperia wrote:
Fálcor wrote:
OMG i think the bad economy also hit PS....
just kidding

u r right!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!im from greece and have soooooooooooo bad economy !!!!!!!!!do u know that????

its a world wide thing.. im from mexico and things aren very good here eigther.... it is really shame though

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yes!!!!!!!i agree with u to be honest only politics have the responsibility for that situation

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i realy dont now what i will do i dont have so many and i realy dont now about resel the few i have or keep it to hope it ewill be sold fore more than the resel on forum later

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uuggg! i just logged on and discovered this. :threaten:

i think i will wait till march 25 and cash most of them in and just have 1 or 2 of each just to have them... argh!!!!

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i think it would be good to save some to sell later on on trades... they might get really expensive on trades, like the red jukes of the pink lip couch, not as much as the fox plushie perhaps, but they will be rare
i suppose

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The red jukes and the pink lip couch were never used as trading currency. Prior to the 4999s, the currency were the 6666s. I think perhaps the reason why the red jukes and lip couches soared is because they were not very popular during the height of cloning/ hack season sometime oct or nov. People paid little attention to them, and concentrated on popular 2008 items thus, only very few people actually have them in their homes, making them rarer than othe PS lux items. However if we would recall the period that the 4999s were first introduced in the trading market, the 6666s (or old jukes and red lips which were also heavily cloned in Dec 2008) lost their value, and most traders were not accepting them as currency. As a rare PS item, they were only valuing between 3-5 x4999s; 6 if ur lucky.

Therefore, to keep a few 4999s for collection or safety purposes may be a good idea. History may repeat itself, as these 4999s were also heavily cloned around Apr 2009.

Just a piece of my thought. Well, quite a few pieces actually LOL

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that is very interesting actually.... and its kind of funny, coz a few days ago i was wondering what was the history of PS if it had one, thinking maybe like a founder of the village or probably playfish facts... i confess i didnt know all that. i just joing in nov last year adn had no idea about all the cloning...

thanks for sharing this... that makes me take second thoughts about my keeping 4999's....

but know a different question comes to my mind.... what are we gonna use to trade after april 8... are their gonna be new 15,000 (4999) items... ??
i think we wont be able to know until the week before that

no the past of PS is a bit clearer for me... what know concerns me is the future :girl_cray2:

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I will run and buy some cc ( I hope somebody will still want them)!
And I will save 4 red bubble chair and 3 princess bed

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Fálcor wrote:
that is very interesting actually.... and its kind of funny, coz a few days ago i was wondering what was the history of PS if it had one, thinking maybe like a founder of the village or probably playfish facts... i confess i didnt know all that. i just joing in nov last year adn had no idea about all the cloning...

thanks for sharing this... that makes me take second thoughts about my keeping 4999's....

but know a different question comes to my mind.... what are we gonna use to trade after april 8... are their gonna be new 15,000 (4999) items... ??
i think we wont be able to know until the week before that

no the past of PS is a bit clearer for me... what know concerns me is the future :girl_cray2:

i would keep some , and encash 4999s during the period that they will resell in the orig price.I think that will be the best recourse, in my humble opinion.

When 4999s were introduced as currency in the market, they were already in the lux store. The reason they replaced the 6666s first quarter 2009 was because the chairs and beds were heavily cloned, thus these items flooded the market. Traders may go back to 999s, or gmbs which were also 9and still are) trading currency. However I doubt that the gmbs will make a big comeback since the mb glitch is quite different from before. If a new lux item will be cloned, then perhaps that will be the next currency LOL or perhaps we will see the rise of one of the existing in store lux items. The possibility of a new item can not be erased too.

We must keep in mind though that when PF was bought last year, the new owners did mention the possibility of an in game trading. With the regular clearance sales and other major changes tht we had been seeing, the developers may actually already be paving the way for their plan.

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i will hold 2 of them and i will give some to my brother so as to sell them and earn money

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Ill keep the ones i have as you never know what pf is going to do, they can never make up thier minds!!

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i'm hoping they'll add some new items in shop that resell for 4999
as for the ones i have... i'll keep them for now, to see what will happen in the future ^^

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