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Most annoying childrens programme

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After a great conversation in the chat room about childrens tv programmes which really annoy us, I though I would find out from all of you if there is anything that you particulary dont like?

I think my worse has to be the teletubbies...I refuse to even have it on!

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Pingu, the penguin who talks penguin language
Dora, her big head is huuuuge but she can't see a tree in front of her

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dora is THE MOST annoying cartoon...

but i hate, and i mean HATE the flinstones!!! Mad

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there is another one I despise it is soooo horrible,but my mind just went blank on he name Sad

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bunnyfuzzyness wrote:
there is another one I despise it is soooo horrible,but my mind just went blank on he name Sad

Lol, i hate the tellitubbies too, the're kinda freaky...O_O

Mangoberri wrote:

Dora, her big head is huuuuge but she can't see a tree in front of her

HAHHAHAHA! Laughing That's SO funny Laughing

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but the worst was the Blue's Clues

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I hate teletubbies too... All they can say is "hi", it's quite annoying!

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Teletubbies. But, I also can't stand Spongebob Squarepants. I know a lot of people like him, but I just can't stand him. Especially in German....eeek, annoying.

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I know it's a 'lil' silly! But i think childrens programmes are genius! Especially Iggle piggle! It's so funny! But i'm not too keen on big cook little cook! Oughhhh!!! 'Welcome to our cafe' Hehehhee......

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Hello I'm new'ish Smile

Don't get me started on kids TV!

Our obsessions here are: Captain Mack, Sleepover Club, Saddle Club and some jet plane thing .. oh and Mew mew Power? yuk lol

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I must live under a rock, Lins, because I have never heard of any of them. Either that or it's because I'm in Germany.

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They're all on Sky, Tiddly.. just be very grateful you haven't had the pleasure lol xx

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Our cable television here is awful. We get BBC news as the only English channel. Yuck!

So, I indulge by watching movies and buying DVDs. congratulations

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OoOOOOhhhh don't get me started....

Noddy... does my head in. Shut up you annoying thing.
Show me Show me.. i love Chris and Pui but AAAAARGH Go away!
Dora/Go Diego Go... ick just ick and rubbish
Come Outside... that was on when I was a kid and it was rubbish THEN!
Special Agent OSO... Urgh again.... just Urgh.

There are so many but i'm afraid once i've started i will never stop!

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Oh I've thought of another one.. Clifford the Big Red Dog Mad

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That's not the same as Clifford is it? I remember him from children's storybooks.

Most modern cartoons grate on my nerves because instead of having normal voices, the characters squeal like pigs.

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I hate Clifford the big red dog.... Mad

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the think I hate the most with all childrens tv programmes is when they 'baby' the words.
I was watching Mickey mouse clubhouse with Phoebe earlier and the were hunting duckies...even Phoebe tells them that they are ducks not duckies!

How are children supposed to learn to talk properly if they are teaching them the wrong words??

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How old are your children, Lea? My Ella is 7 so sort of inbetween a lot of things.. she enjoys the older programmes but still likes to watch Clifford, Peppa Pig (which I admit I quite like) etc

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I hear you, Lisa. That grates on my nerves to.

I'm easily annoyed. But, I actually knew children who were 8, 9, or 10 and they spoke this phony falsetto. It was aggravating. Then someone asked them why they talked like that, and they said that's how everyone talked to them or what they had seen on TV. That's why I hate the Teletubbies...because they are the epitome of that.

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Dont even get me started on this subject or I will really start ranting lol

I dont believe in talking down to children at all...they learn so much quicker if they are spoken to in an adult voice, with adult language.
You can change the expression of your voice for children, but still talk as you would to another adult

ok gonna stop now Laughing

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I lOVE Peppa Pig... it has something for everyone... i often snort at some of the jokes that just go straight over Noah's head.

Captain Mack... ARGH!

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there was a story on the news not long back about Peppa pig.

They were forced to re-record some of the episodes as they didnt wear a seat bely while in Daddy pigs car!

Some woman complained as her son(?) refused to wear his seatbelt in the car. He said Peppa pig didnt wear one so why should he!

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Oh yes I heard about that. Jeez they should watch some of the TV around when I was a kid!

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but they still allow tom and jerry to be shown, where they hit each other with every hard object imaginable and in some episodes even shoot their own faces off!

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One silly mistake and the PC brigade jump on them from a great height (shakes head). I've managed to get to nearly 49 without having that sort of thing blight my life lol! My dear departed Dad refused point blank to wear a seat belt because he had one car accident in which he managed to throw himself over the back seat which in fact saved his life. I'm not condoning the non-wearing of seat belts and it has never made me feel like I shouldn't wear one.. so one blummin cartoon isn't going change everything! Ooooh I am now getting mad thinking about it congratulations and breeeeaathe... little voice of calm where are you? x

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Omg io really like those programmes haha...
Even tho im 20...I still like watching childrens cartoons HAHA....

there was a really big disbute about tellitubbies because all the children where copying off them when they where not pronouncing the words properly....So they had to change it so they spoke properly....They still dont tho....Eh Ohhh HAHAHA

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Annoying children shows:

Hannah Montana
The Wiggles
and I can go on forever....

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Everything on playhouse Disney channel.

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