Creator: Velociraptor and Laura 'Tamara' Henson
Original Creators: This enormous pack would not have been possile without the orignal skina and models of many talented designers.
Carthaginian and Desert Elephant (modified), Astypalea Dwarf, Cypriot Swarf, Kos Dwarf, Maltese Dwarf, and Tilos Dwarf Elephants are all from Lazardi's Blora Elephant with the Young from Eryel and co.'s Sumatran elephant.
Chinese and Syrian Elephant from the Sumatran elephant by Eryel and co.
Cretan dwarf elephant from Eryel's mammoth, Young from Eryel and co.'s Sumatran elephant
Straight Tusked Elephant modified from Lazardi'a Reck's Elephant with the young modifed from the Blora Elephant
Asian Straight Tusked Elephant from Lazardi's Blora Elephant
Channel Island and Sardinian Mammoths use Eryel's mammoth
Wrangel Island Mammoths use Eryel's mammoth modified by Zoo Tycoon Thailand.
Flores dwarf elephant from Eryel's Stegotrabelodon,Juvenile from Lszardi's Reck's Elephant (moded) Young from Eryel and co.'s
Sumatran elephant
Requires: Extinct Animals EA
Public Domain: Yes.
Language: English
Bugs: Ghostly elephants occasionally occur when there are a large number of animals in the park.
Description: A remake of Velociraptor/Dinosaur's Enourmous Elephant packs, all placed in a single file. This pack contains 15 species of extinct elephant and a living ecotype for your zoo ranging from the tiny Cretan dwarf mammoth to the immense Asian Straight-Tusked Elephant.
African Straight Tusked Elephant
Asian Straight Tusked Elephant
Carthaginian Elephant adult and baby
Chinese Elephant https://imgur.com/Gae4XZh.png[/img]
Desert Elephant
Syrian Elephant
Wrangal Island Mammoth
Astypalean Dwarf Elephant
Channel Island Dwarf Mammoth
Creatan Dwarf Mammoth
Cyprot Dwarf Elephant
Flores Island Dwarf Elephant (Stegodont)
Kos Swarf Elephant
Maltese Dwarf Elephant
Sardinian Dwarf Mammoth
Tilos Dwarf Elephant
Enourmous Elephants Remake.z2f