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About kasijab

  • Birthday 09/22/1954
  1. It could be one of many ...hallway ...vestibule ...entrance ... not really sure what it is you want x
  2. not too sure ..but I've given up and blocked it again. Will stick to frontierville and cityville for now
  3. I've just unblocked this after a long time ...and WHAT IS GOING ON ??? Where is my original farm? The task tells me to plant carrots but I don't seem to have any in the market ...I am soooo confused. Please help ...
  4. Can I please request some cloth ...I'll share it with Lisa as she is always short of it !!
  5. Luka I'm not sure if I have them all ...send me a message with what you want and if I have it i will send it to you x
  6. Happy Birthday ....hope Yvette spoils you rotten
  7. Just got back from taking Ieuan home ...so am all alone again ..Only till tomorrow though ..going to my sons in Wales for a long weekend
  8. I had it earlier ...but it has gone back to the old one now ...maybe they were having problems with it ..just for a change
  9. sent a few items Tromo dwarf 2 tiddly vintage pet lamp magelvl8 bouncy star will look through other acc later for some more items x
  10. hope you have a great time. I am taking grandson home tomorrow ..coming back Thursday and then on Friday going to visit son and his family for a long weekend ...lots of travelling for me
  11. Good news ...I was just going to start a thread asking if anyone was as fed up with the butterfly's and 500 coins as me ...no incentive to log on at all
  12. Happy 4th of July to all in USA
  13. Ah thank you. I know of Super Mario Bros on Nintendo/Wii but not this one
  14. I just copied and pasted it ...but thought it a very interesting fact (if it is indeed a fact)
  15. This year July has 5 Fridays 5 Saturdays and 5 Sundays. This happens once every 823 years!
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