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Everything posted by lea75

  1. I'm reading waning moon now...I'm loving it, its just not the same having to read it online I love being able to hold a book, and snuggle up in bed with it lol Especially when its Edward lol
  2. they still have not been released yet...be patient
  3. Pet society was never designed as a trading game. playfish have always made this perfectly clear It was designed as a game to be able to play sociablly with friends, visit your neighbours pets and have fun decorating your pets house. It is greedy traders who have turned it into what it is now, and given all the power crazy hackers, scammers and cheats a reason for what they do! If we all went back to simply enjoying the game, instead of constantly trying to trade to make huge profits then the hackers would not have the powers they do now! I'm not saying no trading...but if everything was limited at 100% profit (i.e. if you bought something for 500 coins then you didnt sell it for more than 1000 coins) then the hackes would not bother anymore, why would they go to all that trouble for such a low return?? Maybe we need to stop blaming playfish here and start blaming people who have twisted the game away from what it was originally...a bit of fun???
  4. lea75

    ANGIE's shop

    All memebers must have a valid facebook link to be part of PSFC. You can add anyone by clicking on their facebook link under their avitar. The same as anyone can add you by your facebook link. All trades must be agreed and completed in this thread. If you are not willing to trade in this thread then it will have to be deleted
  5. I am just coming to the end of breaking dawn , and though I cant put the book down and I cannot wait to see what happens next there is also a part of me that does not want it to ever fisnish (yeah sad I know lol)...so a huge thanks Smorkle and Bee for letting us know that there are more Cullen books out there! Which one would you recommend starting with??
  6. Does anyone still buy the win or lose boxes or have you bored of them now that there is no new items in them? I loved them when they came out, but got bored very quickly as there is such a limited amoun in them. I supoose you could use them as a way of making coins, as they are so cheap to buy, but thats too much effort for me lol I do still love it when you get the occasional one as a gift lol
  7. just had a look...its a different song all together lol
  8. I dont think he wrote it about her hun..I have a version of Eva Cassidy singing it...it was the name of one of her albums
  9. I had this playing when both my daughter were born, so as you can imagine, it means so much to me I think this is the most beautiful song I have ever heard
  10. This weeks winning number is 32...congratulations Smut! Prizes on the way x
  11. the official word from TOF is that no new eco items have been added yet...so please dont waste your items trying to get them lol We will keep you updated and let you know as soon as they are released
  12. hey Harmzy...great to see you around
  13. lea75

    smorkle is back!

    OMG talk of the devil and she shall return Glad you had a great time hun...I'm not jealous at all...MUCH!!
  14. This makes me feel really old lol....but it is so true! Kids these days dont know how to entertain themselves these days..yet I remember being out constantly just hangin out with my mates. Now if take a teenages electrics of them they wouldnt have a clue what to do!
  15. I'm half way through already Good job I'm used to not getting a lot of sleep
  16. glad that it is gone hun...try to remember that the more you rest it, the quicker it will heal
  17. I know! I would love to see more! Especially of Phoebe and Cupid...but then again that is probably because I think Victor Webster who played Coop is totally gorgeous lol Adding a pic for all your girls who dont know who I'm on about (sorry Laz lol) Rocky has a suprise for you Laz xx
  18. I love charmed...I could not believe it was the last episode..I must admit I got kinda emotional when Leo and Pipers grandaughter shut the door with her mind I had been watching it for years Sorry not really cheering you up here am I?
  19. I ban tweet for going over to the dark side...even if they do have cookies!
  20. you sent me too much hun You sent 3 x 3333 + 3 x 999's I've sent you 1 x 3333 back
  21. Is this the one? This is the red stagecoach decor If it is I have a spare one...what do you offer?
  22. My older 2 kids are back at school and my youngest has playgroup this afternoon...that means I have the house all to myself As soon as I take Phoebe to playgroup I am coming home and putting my feet up with my book...no t.v. , no music, no kids arguing, no teenage shouting at his mates on the Xbox...just peace and quiet!! WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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