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Everything posted by lea75

  1. I knew that really lol I get confused so easily lol
  2. mmmmmmmmmmm Ewan McGreror
  3. lea75

    Nighty night everyone!

    night sweetie...hope you have a good rest xxxx
  4. It;s always worth a try...you only have tu get into the top 10 posters and I'm sure there will be another posting comp very soon
  5. So playfish have hinted that we will have a sleeping beauty theme this week in PS....so which items do you think they will put in the mystery boxes? There is bound to be an apple in there somewhere..but not sure how they will make it special enough so it stands out from a normal apple and also dont think it will be in a mystery box... hmmmmmmmm any ideas??
  6. In all honesty who would want a man that full of himself?
  7. I live very close to xpink.pixel.princessx and it is very possible we have walked past each other without realising lol
  8. OMG I am so pleased to see you have David Tennant in there...I think he is gorgeous! I just love his smile xx
  9. she is very beautiful
  10. thats just one...you need 5 different hotties
  11. lea75

    made me cry

    yeah people really did believe it lol There was talk about the banks systems and everything collapsing when the clocks reset themselves as they said they would do at midnight...seems silly now lol
  12. Right then...I have had so many comments about my new avitar..and everyone agreeing that it is a great pic (never thought I would see that happen ) that I think its time for everyone to publically admit their top 5 hotties!! So post pictures of the 5 celebraties (sorry no pics of your other halves lol) that you think are the hottest....this is based purely on looks not personality ...please make sure your photos do not have any links in them and that the photos are clean And yes I know how superficial this is I'm going to have to have a think about mine otherwise you can guarantee I will miss out someone very special lol...cant wait to see these
  13. hmmmm normally they wouldnt do it..as it would be copyright however my other halfs Dad works is a professional printer...wonder if I can talk him into doing it for me?? Thinking about it, the pic is not very big so it couldnt be blown up at all oh well I will just have to droll over him online
  14. lea75

    made me cry

    I think that was one of my favourite New Years ever...apart from the fact that me and my friend stayed at my friends Mums for the night and she had us up at silly o'clock the next morning to see to the horses not easy to do with a hangover
  15. I know exactly what you are on about hun. I get like this as well.....I think its a case with me that people are looking at me The only piece of advice I can offer is talk to your friends and explain how you feel. ask them to give you a chance to get your words sorted in your head before you say anything. Hopefully once you have built up your confidence talking with your friends then you will find it easier in other situations xx
  16. lea75

    made me cry

    I have to admit that i just went out with some friends for New years eve, got very drunk and didnt even think about it until the next day lol
  17. tweet40 agniukas smorkle Foxpoly Mangoberri Tiddly Winks glow88 Lazar chay lea75 These are the top 10 posters for the last 7 days, in no particular order...but this can change very, easily I havent put who is at the top as it doesnt really matter as you only have to be in the top 10
  18. My name is Beatrice, I am a bettle, I live in bug land and today I am buggy
  19. Bumping up to remind you all xx
  20. deja vu is a feeling that you have experienced that exact same moment some time before
  21. every day when I go to bed and think of how another day has gone lol
  22. lea75

    made me cry

    There is so much scare mongering around hun, you have to take it all with a pinch of salt.. You are too young to remember, but the 2000 was supposed to of been a huge disaster for everything electrical...people were prediciting that everything electrical would fail, and people waited anxioulsy for midnight new years eve...and nothing happened lol
  23. lea75

    made me cry

    This conspiracy goes as so: Nostradamus predicts that the third Antichrist ( after Napoleon and Hitler ) will rise with name “Mabus.” That being said, if you take the last two letters from "Obama" and the first three of "Bush" and you get "Mabus.” been having a surf around and this is exactly what I am on about....they are twisting things to try and make them fit
  24. lea75

    made me cry

    We read things how we want to read them...and we look for truths in things that are not always there. Notradamus prophesies can be taken many, many ways, but a lot of the time we twist them into something that makes sense to us and twist his words to fit certain situations
  25. I soooooooooooooooo wish this was avaliable on a poster...I know I would buy it
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