i'll be the first posting something to Agony aunt! and i'll do that because it's a problem i had more when i was younger, but nowadays is really making me a little depressed i'm talking about self-esteem: i've always had problems to accept myself, especially when i was a teenager. first of all because i'm quite short, but this is something is not bothering me now. and then because of my weight.... i see everyday skinny girls everywhere and i'm not talking about sick people, but just THIN girls.... i'm not overweight, but neither really thin, and since i'm not really tall this gives me some problems about "accepting" myself!
they say i'm quite pretty, but i can't see me like this.... more than this i have a boyfriend who loves me but he's not really good with words and so he doesn't tell me any praises, and this isn't helpful for me i've talked about this because it's something on my mind in these days, i hope it's not off topic XD
and sorry for my english