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Everything posted by Zoonie

  1. I've put it on now, I don't usually have TV on during the day, but I caught one of these last week and meant to watch them - I totally forgot it's on! TY I was waiting for you to go to bed and Kijo to go home Will do in a moment. Kijo do some really slow and deliberate blinking 8)
  2. aaw Marie. Sorry I got a FF crash, just as I'd bought a petling - now I can't find it, so I assume I haven't bought one (didn't note the coin total)
  3. Hi and Bye for now Dawn. And hello to you Marie, got 5 minutes to yourself?
  4. I think I can live without them really Tanya, that was then and all that. Darn, who wanted the witch then?! This is a great week though to take payment for the sales we've had, so much stuff. Hi Bee, am having a few connection problems here. Yes, pets' pets are called petlings and they can be a kitten or a puppy...you have to look after them every day though, or they run away! Am not sure on the latest MB items myself really, am a bit behind, except someone kindly gifted Z some stuff last week. How was your weekend?
  5. Didn't you send me a PS note asking for a spare witch doll to purchase from the G/R and I said I'd look for one? if it's not you, I don't know who it was now then! Sadly not. it pains me to remind you that my youth was pre the video age There are loads of still photos and probably some old cine films, but my mother would have them, if she's kept them, I don't have any I'm afraid.
  6. Sweet drea... hang on no - get a restful sleep Army See you later Kijo!
  7. lol, I shall have to remember that one and quote it! 8) Bruno, had a hmmmm - lived in face more of a kindly grandfather look about him than ageing interestingly! Has your imaginary goat got a name btw Tanya? Oooh and I meant to say, haven't forgotten your witch :iagree: you can say that again - I'm going through a very interesting spell at the moment, IMOM thinks I eat cheese all day long rofl. Sounds a great job for the laughs. I ice skated as a child, used to be in shows and stuff at the ice rink where I trained. My trainer had been a former British gold medalist in ice dance :victory: Used to love it, as we also travelled to lots of competitions and events, although I never competed, just brought along enthusiastic support lol.
  8. My other ski-ing story is when I started to ski on my own, not in the ski school. It was marginally more successful, and people must have thought I was quite experienced because of all the kit I had - well, perhaps they did if they only saw me standing still or in the restaurant Coming down towards the very bottom of the resort, approaching the ski lifts, I hit some bad ice patches and just simply could not control my direction, nor slow, nor come to a halt!!! I came down the steepest slope, straight down, like I was going for the grand jump, everyone had to scatter out of my way, and I even went half way down the village street, before I stopped I had visions of myself ski-ing straight into Accident and Emergency (we call the Emergency Room A&E here) However, you will be really suprised to hear that on that whole holiday, I didn't fall over at all, not once! AMAZING.
  9. yes - quite a fine looking goat. We seemed to be living in a split level house and people were pushing him into the main room which was on three levels and had a kind of central island, so he would go round and round, and I was the only one who could get him outside - plus there was a stair gate at the top of one of the small sets of stairs, to stop him getting back into the main house, but he could get through that very easily...it was a riot! (I think actually that the goat was replacing Socks who loves to run up stairs to try and get to chase him, and then he hides and jumps out at R like Kato in the Pink Panther films) rofl. aaaw Armell, fear of heights must be awful - I'm ok with that. I misread you saying your hubbie had to push pull you off the bridge, and was going to say you should stop telling people that your hubby pushed you off a bridge
  10. My ski-ing story. IMOM is a really good athlete, any kind of sport he seems to be good at - me much less so. I only agreed to try ski-ing because he loved it so much. Anyway, we were in a resort on the Italian/Swiss border, and my cousin who had been going ski-ing for years, and had all her own really expensive stuff, lent me her outfits and so on, so I looked quite the pro. Sadly my performance was anything but. One day I sat down at the top of the run back to the resort and bawled, refusing to go any further (not great as we were in ski school lol) and the instructor took my ski poles and kind of pushed me in front of him, like I was a supermarket trolley rofl. He was and Italian named Bruno, very dark and tanned . . . . and about 60 As you know I've always had really stiff shoulders, and it also gave me awful problems with my knees - like I say, I shouldn't have gone really. It was incredibly tiring, and I was in agony most of the week. Part 2 to follow...
  11. Aaaw Hi Cheer I slept until about 5am Army, when IMOM woke me, got back to sleep at 06.35 which was hardly worth it really for an hour, and had the most bizarre dream about a goat
  12. Thanks Kijo, that's what I was just doing. Her post brought back SO many memories lol. Will tell you in a moment.
  13. ♫very superstitious♫ Morning Crew
  14. Thanks Army, I will sleep all night before I see you, it's weird, I agree x
  15. I'm good thanks Army, done all the shopping for the week ahead and so can get to grips with the builder again tomorrow, am starving too - can't wait for dinner. Cold here and v dark, so glad to be inside. Take care, hope to see you tomorrow xxx
  16. Congrats Army! how are you? I have the page open but am cooking dinner at the same time...
  17. Live a long life full of happiness what more could anyone want? I had a greatt ime and thank you for asking Zoonie to give Joki in marriage
  18. Zoonie

    Special Pet Photos

    It is! lovely pic Kijo
  19. yeh the red flower is a waratah btw is this that the one your talking about? aah right, ok, thanks - not a name I've ever heard before . Never mind - great prize just for entering, thank you x
  20. Zoonie

    C&G Gift Registry

    Got that D, thanks honey. Will update later on, but have to go out today, so no time for PS.
  21. Sorry was gripped by the tennis, bye all - don't worry after my coffee I have to go and get ready to go out today
  22. That's what I hear. Hubby has trifocals.. I can barely wear plain old sunglasses. I am lucky in that I have one very near sighted eye and one very far sighted eye. Put them together and I have built in bifocals I'm short sighted, OH is long sighted lol - so at the moment we have to reverse when we need glasses. I haven't had any contact lenses for a while (worn them since I was 18) but my last prescription was one eye for distance, and the other not, so I could read ok. Some people can't manage that solution, but it was fine for me, right from the offset. I need to get a test again and go back to them. aah can you get used to using the flat of your finger, rather than pointing it?
  23. @Frannie Last night's dinner was Cajun spiced chicken breast on a bed of peppers, tomatoes and red onion, with potato wedges and corn on the cob - how about that then? (it's true) What kind of phone did you get? (we call them mobiles here) Sent cake too Tanya lol. I can't seem to publish about these bonus coins, nor can IMOM
  24. Yeaah, petlings I don't know what I'd call Zoonie's though, might have to get OH thinking on that one Let me look am sure I have a spare with your name on Tanya
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