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Everything posted by Zoonie

  1. Curse the burnt cooking Dawn. I didn't take you as being flippant, not at all, just different ways of dealing with thins. I'm really well able to deal in a 'two hats' kind of analytical way, which isn't for everyone - not to say things don't affect me emotionally, not at all, but I do just find so many things fascinating in an academic way and can spend days theorising lol [zip lip]
  2. I've had two fabulous ideas for April Spot the Difference comps - keep laughing to myself (oops!)
  3. Foxy!!! my darling, so glad to see you Yes, a whole dedicated wedding thread in here
  4. Sorry Dawn, I was saying to BG earlier that this week our neck of the woods has been hitting the national news for all the wrong reasons (unlike you I follow all the news and politics -find it fascinating, and actually enjoy the challenge of thinking through issues that are really hard to come to terms with - guess it's a throw back to wanting to be a barrister) I've been redecorating numerous rooms all week for the big wedding, so next week will probably do them all over again lol. Don't forget Spot the Difference in Zoonie's attic! BG will send a final reminder for your comp, held off due to Kijo's messages.
  5. Was it a good birthday Dawn? Dinner was good thanks although we're agog over news of a murder in the next village (on Sky and BBC sites, East Sussex, two children in their mother's car) R is shouting at the TV (Sjy Sports News) No other news here lol.
  6. Me too, night Frannie, keep checking footie progress (Villa for OH) and watching Relocation etc etc. Can't get over the fact that he reminds me of David Blunkett (although not blind obviously) - the pair f them seem to suffer arrested development!
  7. We've eaten. Bar's open, so that sounds like a good thing then
  8. Not so bad, just going to eat though, grrr bad timing. Am having work done on house, it's going ok, but it's really cold darn sath!
  9. We're having some new potatoes, roasted mixed peppers with herbs and some cherry tomatoes, and fish (flat, white fish in a bread crumb with seeds) with that we'll have some tartare sauce. Can't wait - am really hungry to be honest, and there's a cooking programme on TV too!
  10. Am in and out now BBG, cooking - it sure comes round quickly too!
  11. Oh yes, your holiday is even closer than I thought! so exciting
  12. That's why IMOM is so relieved to be let off doing Jury duty, because the court he was summoned by is a court that tries more serious cases, the mercy killing one this week and also another murder case. It's very, very difficult, but there have been two trials resolved this week of mother's 'euthanising' their own terribly ill or injured child. One got 9 years (as he was in a vegetative state and didn't express a wish to die) but the other, the local one, her daughter had tried to commit suicide (as she had previously) and her mother was actually helping fulfil her daughter's own wishes - I think the outcome of each trial was fair really. But yes, terribly hard to think about, let alone decide upon. Let's change the subject, sorry, it's a bit deep!
  13. Zoonie

    C&G Gift Registry

    Hi Dawn, no problems, because so many of us know each other going back a while, just speak up if you don't understand anything. Toulouse (nicknamed BG for Bunny Girl) and I are chatting now on the Daily thread if you fancy looking in
  14. Singing is good ♫ (well you know me!) It's so strange, we really do live in a rural area, but also this week there was a the trial of a woman accused of the attempted murder of her daughter. She lives only just over a mile from our house. The case should never have been brought IMO, it was very sad, and she was found guilty of assisted suicide, but given only one year sentence, which was suspended (if that doesn't translate for you just say)
  15. Oh!!! really??!!?? how funny - see Zoonie gets everywhere I'm just distracted, breaking UK national news - a woman has been arrested after walking into a police station stating she has killed her two children (both under 5) Police have found their bodies in her car. It's happened in the next village to us - well, not a village, a small market town where we go to shop, visit the library etc. Shocking!
  16. I've been in all day and kept the heating on but am still cold, perhaps I'm a bit tired as have been up since before 5am again
  17. Doing ok thanks BBG, how are you? It's mighty cold here though!
  18. Hiya Army, hope you feel good today too
  19. Here's one you wont see in many places, because my friend and I made it up BKI moment - usually called a Bikkie moment, which is when you read something that makes you laugh out loud, just as you were taking a sip of your drink . . . resulting in a BEVERAGE KEYBOARD INTERFACE
  20. As noted in the Greetings thread, Khyfly_0412 has a birthday on 4th February
  21. Oh wow just noticed Zoonie's pic in this thread, am flattered, thanks Lea
  22. glad you liked what I feel. One thing I always do and always have done is try to imagine myself in the other person's shoes, even with my own kids. Some of your problems might be down to maturity (for that just read 'experience') some you might feel are problems are just that you have an individual personality (I know quite a few older people who shout or sulk lol) I just know that people get fed up of teasing if they see they're not getting much of a reaction for you, and as much as you should think about your own behaviour (if you're going to shout or sulk for instance) then by staying as calm as you can, and pointing out how other people make you feel, then they should give some thought to how they're treating you too! You see what I mean? I've just never been very volatile, I like to deal with things quietly really, and by reasoning - sometimes I realise I'm wrong, by listening to my own children; and often I like to deal with things by humour. Anyway, if you ever need a Mum's point of view, you can track me down on here
  23. Maybe your mind stays too active? Try and make yourself comfortable, block out all the light, even from clocks and stuff - and think about maybe making a regular bed time each night to try and get into a routine? Sweet Dreams x
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