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Everything posted by Zoonie

  1. Thanks so much, she was just off to work, so it may be tomorrow now. Let's see if she gets in ok
  2. Lea, honestly, the shame of it - I am still sat here welded to my chair, despite the fact am supposed to be food shopping Both of our daughters are coming home on Christmas Eve for a few days, and the eldest's boyfriend is coming on the Sunday too. It's much cosier being in the warm. looking out at the snow, and being lazy in front of the TV and computer although our kitchen looks like a bomb site!
  3. Hi Chip, I shouldn't be here at all, but got well side-tracked by a friend on the phone (story of my life) Just trying to help Mariefrary to get logged in here. BTW did you see her Facebook? she's found out the gender of her baby! How are you?
  4. Hi Steve, or any other helpers who are around. C&G has a member who is trying to log in. She joined here a while back, as /profile.forum?mode=viewprofile&u=1850 Tipsy Mipsy. It looks like her password's not being accepted, some kind of problem anyway - she'd love to become an active member if she can get back in. Thanks
  5. Zoonie

    We Need a Group Logo!

    Thanks Steve I added a Rep point for you
  6. Zoonie

    Thank You Thread!!

    AND a special thanks to Mr Mayor for our new C&G logo
  7. Zoonie

    We Need a Group Logo!

    That's fab, can we use it please? :dancing:
  8. Zoonie

    C&G Glossary

    Thanks. I didn't want it to be difficult for new members to feel part of a group where so many people already know each other
  9. Zoonie

    We Need a Group Logo!

    Sure, go ahead and be my guest, that's fine
  10. Hello and Welcome Chiara. You have a great list of special likes :dance4:
  11. Zoonie

    We Need a Group Logo!

    I was twiddling with it too late last night, the proportion's not right. I think that one's a bit better, but to be honest, I had to cover up some writing, and I've been too heavy handed, it needs someone who's a bit better with graphics than I am :blush3: Plenty of time though hey? see what other people can think up as well
  12. Zoonie

    We Need a Group Logo!

    this was a quick and rough adaptation from our C&G bump logo, but all ideas are welcome
  13. Good Morning my lovely Lyn, glad to see you here. Surely, it's called CeeGeeans & Friends, typed exactly like that.
  14. Zoonie

    C&G Glossary

    For all our new friends who might feel left out if they don't know some of our abbreviations or long standing jokes. FF or Freaky Friday commemorates a Friday when Zoonie sent a dress as a gift to a friend, but it didn't arrive. Zoonie went and purchased another one, but the friend said oh no, it's ok, don't worry, and didn't want to accept it. This went on, backwards and forwards in notes, not getting settled - so Zoonie put the dress on and said he'd wear it until his friend gave in and took the gift Talking about it on C&G, other pets started cross dressing to support Zoonie in his plight, and it soon became a tradition to celebrate all our similarities and differences by letting our pets cross dress on a Friday! 8) Another tradition is Nekkid Wednesdays, when pets just wear shoes and accessories - but it has to be said, some pets are a bit shy! S.I.B. or C.I.B. is aka Chup or Chupacabra - our group member from Bermuda. SIB = Sunny Island Boy (or Cloudy Island Boy when the weather's not so kind to him) He might also be known as the Good Doctor as his pet has an alter ego, a bit like Jekyll & Hyde, but in a fun way :winked: B.G. is aka Toulouse - B.G. stands for Bunny Girl (her nickname) I'll add more, or anyone can add or ask, as time goes on.
  15. See you later, hope it's not too dangerous out there, or too frantic x
  16. She is, she's not sure what's wrong and the waiting makes it worse! I'll be back in a moment BG, just making tea and going to have a look see if anyone's lost
  17. on the main forum page just under the banner there is a direct link to this group ..written in blue .. you can't miss it I've put it on my FB status and on our FB group page now - thanks again Goodnight, sweet dreams. We usually have people around all hours, not quite so much in the build up to Christmas, but people do pop by. It's lovely you joined :dancing: BG, Boogs is still waiting to hear from her doctor, it's taking far too long!
  18. Oh yes, silly me, Mr Mayor did say a link for us yesterday. To be honest, I was up so late because I was getting so many messages, email, facebook and here, it was just crazy so I was a bit like a headless chicken! :blush3: A day or so and we'll settle down. I'm tired BG, didn't sleep well at all, and Socks has been indoors the last 3 nights, the little vandal - although to be fair, he must have been better last night as he'd not wrecked the place Boogs is going to join later, she's rushed today and has a new sofa due to arrive ('citing)
  19. Zoonie

    Thank You Thread!!

    Good Morning A massive thank you for giving C&G a new forum home. I can say we have a nice group of people who are very chatty, and like to have fun. Everyone has been very helpful and made us really welcome, so it will be great to get to know some new friends even better than I did already
  20. Zoonie

    C&G Group

    Thanks Sara, I'm a bit brain dead this time of the morning lol - although it's nearly 8.20 so now excuse really. I joined BACS ages ago and obviously didn't remember how I did it
  21. Morning BG, yes this thread for now. No doubt the group will evolve and it's nice to have a place where member can post C&G competitions and keep track of them easily How are you today? Any more snow? thanks, and yes, I will keep checking and mentioning it. I know what you mean about boards going quiet as we all get more and more frantic! BTW - you might see Toulouse called BG, it's a long standing nickname, that refers to her rabbits - she's our Bunny Girl 8)
  22. By the way. A couple of people are having problems seeing how to apply to join the group. There was a post explaining somewhere, but to save me searching back, what's the short answer please? TY
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