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Everything posted by Zoonie

  1. I'm searching for a kitchen timer, as our new range cooker doesn't have one - not wanting a fat chef or a rooster
  2. It sounds awfully hectic, all the packing for night's away and getting your laundry done, not to mention all the travel hours. Sadly no, we haven't had a break for 5 years now, and with all this work to get the house up to scratch, we wont be getting one this year either. We'd been relying on some money that was due to OH and he's not going to be getting it now, so we've over-stretched, but we'll manage. Hopefully we can spend some time relaxing in the garden or something.
  3. I gather you had a good weekend with Tanya, Kijo> Wish, how was work this week? Our big range cooker's been disconnected early, so we're coping with a little 2 ring plug in hob and the Cuisineart stone clad oven, which is just a table top size. We;ve got 2 rooms looking lovely now, which makes the rest of the house look so much worse
  4. Kijo, It's Saturday - how come you're here? Wish, I saw and thanked you, that's great
  5. I'm lurking around in here, but painting my nails at the same time, so can only reply as coats dry
  6. Good Morning, IMOM told me it was going to be a brilliant weekend, ..I've just put a cardigan on as it's so chilly. I really wanted to get all the windows open to get rid of the smell of paint and wood filler!
  7. Zoonie

    C&G Gift Registry

    Aaaw Wish, that's wonderful, thank you. Every time I get near the computer lately someone or something calls me away....and it's likely to be worse before it gets better. The mess has been awful too. I'll update the list with numbers later.
  8. Wish, I got a message from her yesterday, asking for the link to here
  9. \Have a good weekend everyone
  10. Dinner time, so I have to go.
  11. Ankles are throbbing again, I've definitely done too much toay - but you know when you're really driven? and, it's so well worth it
  12. Well, before I have any more V&T, I'm going to get those other three panes of glass in the lantern, and then I can close the door on that room and feel it's lovely to walk in to. Will check back incase anyone stops by.
  13. Aaaw bless, IMOM has just made me a big Vodka and Tonic, that'll start to put me right! Cheers.
  14. Gosh Dawn, busy, busy - enjoy your weekend. Kijo, I was hoping to see you this morning, I've got about a month of only being able to look in now and then during the day. I've just had a shower, and am lounging in some pyjamas with my hair still wet in a towel, I feel absolutely bushed, and my legs and feet are throbbing and swollen ... I just haven't stopped all day. On the upside, we have two beautiful rooms now, all finished apart from putting glass back in one of the ceiling lanterns (I've done half and then I just couldn't stand on the steps any longer)
  15. I'd better be off seeing as no one's around - have windows to clean and loads of stuff to move back.
  16. I've just spent 10 minutes applying a hair conditioner that you have to melt in your hands before applying. And 10 minutes trying to wrap my head in cling film (very difficult) and a towel. On the upside I smell of chocolate (the conditioner's called Ojon)
  17. Morning, 8am here and sunny with it ♫ I just want to dance the night away...♫ Either I'm going to have to move Stateside, or start staying up all night
  18. Dinner's ready, roast pork with crackling, potatoes, green beans and a mustard sauce, so I shall go and enjoy
  19. Hi Frannie, got sidetracked dusting and moving furniture too, then ED rang and I've also been on at least two searches for my new glasses, which I've worn a couple of times today and since misplaced...so annoying!
  20. Aaah ok, well I guess you didn't stick around then Army.. Will go and hang a couple of blinds up.
  21. The decorators are starting to mess me around as well now. The guy who owns the firm is doing our work, with one other chap - boss man has announced that he doesn't work on Fridays, so I'm a man down - and because he's selling his house, they're deserting me next week and just doing ours on and off , to fit in with some work they have to do on his
  22. I was just rolling up a massive sheet of bubble wrap Army - huge it is, and I'm here now!
  23. Sorry DM, my opportunity to be at the computer is very limited at the moment - I wish I hadn't missed you honey xxx
  24. Such a shame about the time difference Mindy. Good Morning everyone, seems sunny out and I'm here waiting for the decorators to arrive - might go back for a lie down once they've started though, cos I woke up with a nasty head today BG, we have a baby bunny in our garden, or two, not quite sure - not very many though, perhaps they're late this year because of the weather?
  25. - off to serve dinner, see you tomorrow as and when I can manage xxx
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