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Everything posted by Zoonie

  1. Got the wig, just going to publish the Thank You message...
  2. I'm trying to get my breath back Frannie. Since the Decorators came I don't seem to have a minute's peace and as soon as I sit down, I get interrupted. I've been saying Hello first thing in my morning, and then hardly get a chance to concentrate. I've barely done any visits, half a dozen tops. How about you?
  3. Well, I decided we should cut down. IMOM leads me astray. But - I do enjoy a glass of wine, or a V&T. There's a slight hitch, we've run out of San Pellegrino - usually buy 3 packs of 6 x 1litre bottles, and I didn't notice it was getting so low
  4. Am watching The Hairy Bikers cookery show, they're biking around the UK doing their cookery demonstrations and competitions. Tonight they're in my country and I'm working up an appetite...
  5. Hmmm, I'm so conditioned, am thinking - it's nearly time the bar was open, and we've said we're not drinking this week...
  6. BACK, will be doing visits - not even logged on today as yet...
  7. Sorry I missed you Bee. Perhaps we need a notice board to say when we're all most likely to be available I'm just off to see the Decorator, than will come back - say 20 mins should do it. Am not sure about this Safari, so will have to log in FB and take a look.
  8. Aaaw - feel better soon BG, all the studying wont help with a bad head either. Glad to hear news of Tanya and Kijo, perhaps I missed that news, thanks for letting us know
  9. Morning, am feeling very fragile. Sorry Frannie I got hit with a horrendous headache yesterday - hormonal and then the smell of all the woodfiller and paint isn't helping at all. I just managed to log in and do a handful of visits between Zoonie and Kittie for IMOM but that was it I'm afraid. Still feeling under the weather today, with stomach ache and backache - and wouldn't you know it, both Decorators are here today. How's life my friend? are you all better yet? Mindy, Hi - I haven't seen Tanya since her work schedule changed and Kijo isn't around either. I think they had a good weekend together a couple of weeks ago, but that's all I know. How are you?
  10. Just passing the computer, sorry no time to stop Frannie, haven't even signed in to Facebook today yet either. When I said the decorator had turned off, lol - meant turned up, obviously. Catch you later on I hope x
  11. Yaaay the elusive one's turned off, he needs a chat apparently >>>
  12. Good Morning - another lovely day here (so far, lol) Just got one of the decorators sorted out - the other one's as elusive as the Scarlet Pimpernel! Miss you too Boo, sorry we were still busy cleaning last night,it seems never ending. Hope to catch you soon x Aaaw it sounds lovely, I much prefer small and intimate weddings, rather than the great big production numbers. I'll have a look at the pics later on Hi BG, your routine's all over the place then - I didn't know you had a holiday last week, different from ours then. Our next one's the end of this month, then nothing until the end of August. This weekend flew by so quickly - then again, we didn't really get a chance to sit down at all, it was all go...we need to lobby for 3 day weekends I think
  13. Off now, will look in later, byeeee x
  14. I'm on my second course now, two kinds of melon, red grapes and coconut yoghurt.
  15. Hi Sara, I'd say it's impossible to tell without seeing the bumps and that it's important not to get your mind set on anything incase you overlook something else. At first I thought it sounded like a simple heat rash or insect bites, or allergy. Usually I'd have thought measles or chickenpox would be on her back or stomach early. All you can do is follow the advice to keep her cool and comfortable, bathe the spots with the baking powder solution or alternative (or dab with calamine lotion) and make sure to keep her extra hydrated. Best of luck and get well soon all of you
  16. Morning What a beautiful day, just going to have bacon rolls for breakfast. The news here is that UK airports are going to be closed again due to more volcanic ash clouds from Iceland - am glad I'm not due to travel. Mindy, it sounds a very busy day, but a lovely time, do leave a note about how it went, I'd love to hear, and I am reading your messages, even though I miss chatting in real time Breakfast is done whoop whoop, but I'm lurking around if anyone stops by, wait for me
  17. I'm going to miss you Kijo, have to go, have done nails and eaten breakfast and IMOM's hurrying me up to go out and do the food shop. Leave me a message will you and let me know how you're getting on xxx
  18. Doing another coat on my nails...
  19. WB Kijo, I wondered where you'd got to - wanted to ask you how you got on the other day when work was really bugging you.
  20. It was nice to see you too, I don't really have that much energy, certainly not like I used to, but needs must I suppose.
  21. Aaaw nice. I'm ok thank you, was absolutely worn out yesterday (if you read back just a little you can see) but ok now, just going to have a lazy breakfast with IMOM.
  22. Hi Army, I read back about your sister going home and you feeling a bit lonesome, but you hadn't hung around so I missed you again
  23. Thank you, have a good day, hope to see you soon Mwah xxx
  24. Wish, that's really so sweet of you
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